作六句句子,每句超过20个字1. made sb. do…2. be made to do…3. He said that…4. He told me…5. He asked me…6. should have done每句超过20个英文字,文法必须正确喎(尽量不要用太深的词汇)求求大大

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:11:38

作六句句子,每句超过20个字1. made sb. do…2. be made to do…3. He said that…4. He told me…5. He asked me…6. should have done每句超过20个英文字,文法必须正确喎(尽量不要用太深的词汇)求求大大
1. made sb. do…
2. be made to do…
3. He said that…
4. He told me…
5. He asked me…
6. should have done

作六句句子,每句超过20个字1. made sb. do…2. be made to do…3. He said that…4. He told me…5. He asked me…6. should have done每句超过20个英文字,文法必须正确喎(尽量不要用太深的词汇)求求大大
1、I had a vistor to meet in a hotel,so i made my 16-years-old repair the bicycle himself.
2、My father had a vistor to meet in one hotel,so i was made to repair the bicycle by himself.(将上句改被动句)
3、Once i come home and open the door of my room,my father smiled and he said that he bought a new bike for my birthday.
4、I remeber that my gentle father kissed my cheeke and he told me that he had got a promotion just when i was a baby girl and didn't know what his meaning is.
5、when i was still in the happiness of the promotion,i promiseed my son immedieatly when he asked me to buy a new bicycle to him.
6、I finish my college study this Friday,but i doubt whether i learn all the knowledge the teacher teach us,and maybe i should have got enough goals just after hard studying.

作六句句子,每句超过20个字1. made sb. do…2. be made to do…3. He said that…4. He told me…5. He asked me…6. should have done每句超过20个英文字,文法必须正确喎(尽量不要用太深的词汇)求求大大 给个描写人物外貌、神态、动作的句子各20个!外加20个排比句!每句不要超过20字! 5句描写优美的句子 每句大概20多字 超过25个字不选 用惊心动魄、残疾、冷酷无情、魂不守舍、寂静个造一个句.每句不得超过20字. 运动会投稿,每句最好不要超过20字! even though句型造句...每句超过20个字尽量使用简单的词汇文法必须正确求求大大 谁有短的好词好句啊,句最好别超过20个字 20个有美字的句子,25个有走进桃花源字的句子句子要优美的,每句10个字以上^-^希望可以多写几句 呵护世界(用简明的话句概括本文列举的两件事每句不得超过7个字.) 《城南旧事》100句句子,越短越好,少一句都不行句子越短越好..最好不好超过20字 把下列句子补充完整,每句补写不得超过14个字.事业说:人生就是建筑历史的一块砖石 友谊说:人生就是帮助别攀登的阶梯 挫折说:( ) 奋斗说:( ) 用浴血搏杀、久别重逢和漫不经心分别造3个句子每句不少于20个字 英语摘抄50句(每句超过10个词)大家帮帮忙 谁有表示心情很开心的句子表示好开心的句子,要3句以上,每句要有20个字以上. 依照例句,发挥想象,在横线上把句子补充完整(每句补写不得超过10个字)例句:事业说:人生就是建筑历史的一块砖石1.友谊说:人生就是__________________.2.奋斗说:人生就是__________________.3. 求20句带有破折号的句子!要超过20字以上!!! 四个成语组成句子1.不可超过50字 2.需写4句 求50句复合句+翻译,要稍微长一点的,每句超过20个单词.急啊.急用急用.T T