请写一篇简单的初中英语作文你的邻居是Uncle Wang,每天狠晚回家,接着就打开电视,并将音量调得很大.这时,通常会把睡着的你吵醒,无法再睡,请你写一张便条,委婉的向他提出一些建议.字数在60-

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:48:18

请写一篇简单的初中英语作文你的邻居是Uncle Wang,每天狠晚回家,接着就打开电视,并将音量调得很大.这时,通常会把睡着的你吵醒,无法再睡,请你写一张便条,委婉的向他提出一些建议.字数在60-
你的邻居是Uncle Wang,每天狠晚回家,接着就打开电视,并将音量调得很大.这时,通常会把睡着的你吵醒,无法再睡,请你写一张便条,委婉的向他提出一些建议.字数在60-80

请写一篇简单的初中英语作文你的邻居是Uncle Wang,每天狠晚回家,接着就打开电视,并将音量调得很大.这时,通常会把睡着的你吵醒,无法再睡,请你写一张便条,委婉的向他提出一些建议.字数在60-
Dear Uncle Wang,
I am sorry to bother you,but there is a little problem that has been bothering me for quite a while.It seems you come home pretty late every day,and I'm usually in bed by that time.So when you start watching TV with the volumn turned way up,I get woken up and I can't go back to sleep.Could you be so kind as to turn your volumn down just a little at night so I can sleep?I would really appreciate that.
Thanks a lot.

May 1,2008
Uncle Wang,
I want to give you some advice because I feel this will make a better relationship between us.Every night you went home very late,but you often turned on the TV with...


May 1,2008
Uncle Wang,
I want to give you some advice because I feel this will make a better relationship between us.Every night you went home very late,but you often turned on the TV with the loudly voice.At this time,I feel so terrible and can't sleep anymore.So I want to advice you to turn down the TV at night,thanks very much.


dear uncle wang , I think you are a very hard-working wan,because you go home very late every evening.I admire you in this point.But may I give you a advice?After you reture home,you often turn on t...


dear uncle wang , I think you are a very hard-working wan,because you go home very late every evening.I admire you in this point.But may I give you a advice?After you reture home,you often turn on the TB set,but this affect me to some degree.I hope you can turn down the TV set when you are watching TV,I believe you are a good-kind person and can accept my suggustion.Thanks !
your sincere neighborhood


请写一篇简单的初中英语作文你的邻居是Uncle Wang,每天狠晚回家,接着就打开电视,并将音量调得很大.这时,通常会把睡着的你吵醒,无法再睡,请你写一张便条,委婉的向他提出一些建议.字数在60- 以我的邻居为题,写一篇英语作文 以《我的邻居》为题目,写一篇作文 写一篇初二作文就是写一篇有关邻里关系,与邻居相处时,邻居友好之类的作文, 请写一篇70词左右的初中英语作文假设你来自四川,现在转学就读于天津市第一中学八年级一班.几个星期以来,你结交了许多好朋友.请写一篇70词左右的短文,简单介绍他们在学习、生活等方面 请帮我写一篇在奥运会上做志愿者的初中英语作文, 请帮我写一篇初中英语作文,以My invention为题,单词最好要常见的 帮忙写两篇初中英语作文(50个词左右就可以)第一篇:介绍一位自己喜欢的历史名人 第二篇:你愿意什么样的人和你成为朋友 请写出你的看法别写的太复杂 简单点就可以了 老师让我们写一篇关于邻居之间和谐的事的作文的作文 该怎样写 一篇介绍邻居的英语作文 帮个忙写一篇作文《我的邻居》 请帮我写一篇关于看医生的初中英语对话 一篇初中英语作文、自己写的、什么内容都行 求一篇作文,名字是身边的小贤人.写自己的同学,朋友,邻居的,500字左右 请用英语写一篇作文主要写你在家里是怎样做家务的 求一篇初中英语作文My Favorite Book要简单一点,并且是有关《谁动了我的奶酪》的.那位可以帮帮忙? 一篇题目是《幸福原来如此简单》的作文怎么写 高分求一篇作文、急!低要求 初中英语作文:假想你是一名歌手或运动员,写一篇你的假期计划的文章(50词左右)