She mustn't see the film,must she?她不该看这部电影,是不是?这里的must she?为什么是 是不是的意思啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:36:09

She mustn't see the film,must she?她不该看这部电影,是不是?这里的must she?为什么是 是不是的意思啊?
She mustn't see the film,must she?
这里的must she?为什么是 是不是的意思啊?

She mustn't see the film,must she?她不该看这部电影,是不是?这里的must she?为什么是 是不是的意思啊?
She mustn't see the film,must she?
must she?就是 “她该嘛?”
He can't come today,can he?
can he?就等于 “能吗?”
等于在提出自己的问题了以后(如:He can't come today),又对自己的判断置疑了一下(can he).

我也奇怪,must一共是3点:1、must be 2、它的过去形态 3、永远不会有must not的形态,要表达这个意思,must一定是cannot,第3点无论是老师,还是我查的书都是这样的。不知道mustnot是打印错误,还是特殊情况

She ____ the film. She knows nothing about it. A. can’t see B. can’t have seen C. mustn’t have seen D. must see She mustn't see the film,must she?她不该看这部电影,是不是?这里的must she?为什么是 是不是的意思啊? I didn't see her in the meeting-room this morning.she(couldn't have spoken) at the meeting我觉得应该是:mustn't have spoken ——I saw Annie in the market yesterday.——You _______her; she is still studying abroad.A. mustn't see B. couldn't see C. mustn't have seen D. couldn't have seen选哪个 为什么 谢谢mustn't 怎么不行? she didn't see the film? she didn't see the film? You ()smoke when you see the sign.(needn't,mustn't) We talk loudly when we see the sign on the right must mustn't need needn't 答案选mustn't ,谁可以帮解答 she_the film.she knows nothing ahout it.A can't see Bcan't have seen C mustn't have seen Dmust see Look at the sign.You mustn't park your car here.Oh,yes,I see. 请看一道改错题 The lady must have waited for you for a long time,mustn't she?The lady must have waited for you for a long time,mustn't she?mustn't->hasn't 为什么呢? You_all the trouble had you know she has not there.A.mustn't take B.needn't take C.mustn't have taken D.needn't have taken She seems to know nothing about the accident.She ____ been here.(can't have,mustn't have).二选一 i didn't see the aliens.she didn't see t( ) either. 1 Let's move the stone away,or there-----an accident A may have Bmay be A不可以吗?2,I didn't see her in the meeting room this morning.She-----at the meeting A mustn't have spoke B.shouldn't have C needn't have spoken D couldn't have spoken 3,John Can't 、mustn't 、shouldn't 的区别?(急)比如一句句子:He ______ be in the room,I didn't see him.莪知道要用can't,但是为什么呢?为什么不用mustn't 、shouldn't then she won t be able to see the card. be,she,able,the,to,then,won't,see,card