
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 05:37:18


A) 21—25 CADBC
B) 26.November 10th 27.Red 28.Big 29.an ID card 30.760-5972

听力部分(共四大题 30 分)
I. 句子理解(Sentences)
II. 问句应答(Responses)
6—10 BBADC
III. 对话理解(Dialogues)
A) 11—15 ACBCD
B) 16—20 CACBD
IV. 短文理解(Passages)
A) 21—25 ...


听力部分(共四大题 30 分)
I. 句子理解(Sentences)
II. 问句应答(Responses)
6—10 BBADC
III. 对话理解(Dialogues)
A) 11—15 ACBCD
B) 16—20 CACBD
IV. 短文理解(Passages)
A) 21—25 CADBC
B) 26. November 10th 27. Red 28. Big 29. an ID card 30. 760-5972
I. 选择填空 Multiple-choice)
31—35 DBDAC
36—40 BDBAA
41—45 CCBDA
46—50 ACDCB
II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)
A) 51—55 ACBCD
B) 56. lots of money
57. 3 / three hours
58. (only) a bone
59. plant a tree
60. $5 / 5 dollars
61. five
62.shopping /tothe mall
66.Over / More than 200.
67. At midnight.
68. Harry Potter.
69. Yes, we can.
70. 这些网站提供有关哈利·波特和他朋友们的信息。
III. 完形填空(Cloze)
A) 71. its
72. and
73. in
74. bags
75. Sometimes
76. world's
77. American
78. can
79. also
80. delicious
B) 81. drive
82. stay
83. is
84. are
85. goes
86. to buy
87. to read / reading
88. visit
89. knows
90. lives

IV. 句式转换 Sentence pattern transformation)
91. What; price
92. is in
93. My favourite
94. is from
95. is behind
V. 翻译(Translation)
96. There are five birds in that tree.
97. Why do you want to join the art club?
98. I can't afford a new car.
99. Does Jack learn about Chinese history from Beijing Opera?
100. Let's play computer games.
VI. 智力测试(IQ)
101. Rel.ax./ 放松。
103. Dictionary
104. Eric goes swimming. James goes cycling. Sue goes swimming. Kim goes shopping.
105. 4 days.
VII. 写作(Writing)
A) One possible version:
Mrs Wilson: Hello 499-2774. This is Mrs Wilson. Can I help you?
Mike: Hello, this is Mike. I want to know more about the school trip to Dalian. When is it?
Mrs Wilson: We go there on August 15th and we leave on August 20th.
Mike: Can I play volleyball there?
Mrs Wilson: Yes, you can.
Mike: Can I dance on the beach?
Mrs Wilson: Of course.
Mike: I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow.
Mrs Wilson: OK. Goodbye.
Mike: Bye.
B) One possible version:
Dear Tom,
Hi, I hope you're well.
I'll go to Tiger Camp this summer. There are three exciting camps for young people between the age of 10 and
18. There is a sports camp from July 1st to 7th. I can play my favourite sports every day. There is also an art
camp from July 8th to 14th. I can improve my drawing and painting. The animal camp is from July 15th to 21st.
The camps cost 25 dollars a week.
