填一英语动物名 是英语的习语 有中文意思就更好了 1.to teach a _ to swim2.i'm so hungry.i could eat a _3.one _ doesn't make a summer.4.you can't make a _ walk5.it rains _ and _.6.love ma,love my dog.7.a_in the way8.a _ in sheep's c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:15:21

填一英语动物名 是英语的习语 有中文意思就更好了 1.to teach a _ to swim2.i'm so hungry.i could eat a _3.one _ doesn't make a summer.4.you can't make a _ walk5.it rains _ and _.6.love ma,love my dog.7.a_in the way8.a _ in sheep's c
填一英语动物名 是英语的习语 有中文意思就更好了
1.to teach a _ to swim
2.i'm so hungry.i could eat a _
3.one _ doesn't make a summer.
4.you can't make a _ walk
5.it rains _ and _.
6.love ma,love my dog.
7.a_in the way
8.a _ in sheep's clothing.
9.the early bird catches the _
10in like a lion,out a tight

填一英语动物名 是英语的习语 有中文意思就更好了 1.to teach a _ to swim2.i'm so hungry.i could eat a _3.one _ doesn't make a summer.4.you can't make a _ walk5.it rains _ and _.6.love ma,love my dog.7.a_in the way8.a _ in sheep's c
1 FISH 班门弄斧
2.HORSE 非常的饿
3.SWALLOW 凭个别现象而断然下结论
4.CRAB (原:you can't make a crab walk straight) 秉性难移
6.DOG 爱屋及乌
7.LION 危险在眼前
8.WOLF 伪君子
9.WORM 捷足先登
10.LAMB 来似雄狮,去似羔羊

1.to teach a fish to swim2. horse3.swallow4.crab5.dogs

1 chick (对牛谈琴)
2 Ox 公牛 (我饿得可以吃下一头牛了)
3 pour (一花独开不是春)
4 same (没有回头路)
5 cats and dogs (下起倾盆大雨)
6 (爱屋及乌)
7 dog (绊脚石)
8 needle (如坐针毡)
9 worm (早起的鸟儿有虫吃 或 笨鸟先飞)<...


1 chick (对牛谈琴)
2 Ox 公牛 (我饿得可以吃下一头牛了)
3 pour (一花独开不是春)
4 same (没有回头路)
5 cats and dogs (下起倾盆大雨)
6 (爱屋及乌)
7 dog (绊脚石)
8 needle (如坐针毡)
9 worm (早起的鸟儿有虫吃 或 笨鸟先飞)
10 (欺软怕硬)
