北京英语会考单选题谁能给我2011年北京夏季的 英语会考说明上 前面的50道选择题啊- -,带答案的 有的请发我邮箱~ 有的给50悬赏- -!真心感谢 我邮箱:1546720671@qq.com

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 14:52:59

北京英语会考单选题谁能给我2011年北京夏季的 英语会考说明上 前面的50道选择题啊- -,带答案的 有的请发我邮箱~ 有的给50悬赏- -!真心感谢 我邮箱:1546720671@qq.com
谁能给我2011年北京夏季的 英语会考说明上 前面的50道选择题啊- -,带答案的 有的请发我邮箱~ 有的给50悬赏- -!真心感谢 我邮箱:1546720671@qq.com

北京英语会考单选题谁能给我2011年北京夏季的 英语会考说明上 前面的50道选择题啊- -,带答案的 有的请发我邮箱~ 有的给50悬赏- -!真心感谢 我邮箱:1546720671@qq.com
1. I like music. I like to listen to __________ music after dinner.
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
2. –I am searching for some gloves to go with my new dress.
--How about this__________?
A. loaf B. group C. pair D. pile
3. The twins blamed _________ for over-watering the houseplants.
A. another B. each other C. either D. the other
4. You may find ________ astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak.
A. one B. this C. that D. it
5. John was honored __________ giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbor.
A. of B. as C. by D. for
6. I had a good time at school and left__________ some good memories.
A. with B. for C. from D. in
7..Of all her films, I like this one _______ . It’s not worth watching at all.
A. most B. least C. worst D.best
8. Auckland is called “the city of sails” because it has ________ boats than anywhere else in the world.
A. more B. many C. much D. most
9. To lead a happy successful life requires a high EQ-the higher ___________.
A. the good B. the better C. the much D. the more
10. __________ computer is the most important invention of ____________ twentieth century.
A. A ; the B. The; the C. The; 不填 D.A; 不填
11. –Excuse me, but could you please tell me the way to the gas station around here?
--Sorry. There isn’t _______ gas station nearby, I’m afraid.
A. the B. 不填 C.a D. one
12. At midnight Susan put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I _____ awake.
A. stayed B. became C.looked D. seemed
13. The roses in the park ______ beautiful in June.
A. smell B. feel C. sound D. taste
14. My uncle was poor but liked fashion, so he ________ often dress up as a rich man.
A. need B. would C. could D. should
15. It’s nearly time for class to start. The teacher _______ be here soon.
A. can B. should C. shall D. need
16. According to the recent report, almost one thousand animals and plants _____ in the last few years.
A. have disappeared B. disappeared C. will disappear D. are disappeared
17. Marie Logan likes designing solar racing cars. He ______ five or six different cars so far.
A. designs B. will design C. has designed D. is designing
18. Millions of people all over China ____TV when the spaceship landed safely.
A. are watching B. had watched C. watch D. were watching
19. No one knows exactly how the earth________ , as it happened so long ago.
A. has began B. begins C. had began D. began
20.—How long _______ in Shanghai?
--Till I get settled.
A. are you staying B. would you stay C. had you stayed D. have you stayed
21. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes _________ in the earthquake.
A. had been destroyed B. had destroyed
C. were being destroyed D. were destroying
22. Every year in September or October, the Mid-Autumn Festival _________ by the Chinese people all over the world.
A. is celebrated B. celebrated C. celebrates D. was celebrated
23. The National Park, ________ with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow.
A. covering B. covered C. being covered D. having covered
24. ____ at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.
A. Arrived B. Being arrived C. Arriving D. To arrive
25. I am very interested in China and it’s my dream ______ the Great Wall one day.
A. seen B. seeing C. see D. to see
26. In those two years, Professor Brooks often had us ______ some oral presentations in class.
A. to do B. do C. done D. did
27.China is famous for many different types of folk dances, ______ the dragon dance and the lion dance.
A. included B. to include C. including D. being included
28. In 1983, there were only 200 computers ______ to the Internet.
A. to connect B. connecting C. connect D. connected
29. He made many successful films and TV shows, ________ he is most famous for his Superman films.
A. for B. or C. so D. but
30. Your IQ tells you how intelligent you are, _______ your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence.A. so B. for C. while D. or
31. Anne asked Jim _______ she could borrow a pen from him.
A. who B. what C. which D. whether
32.—I wonder, Mr. Adams, _________ you’d mind us asking a few questions.
-- Not at all. Go right ahead.
A. that B. why C. where D. if
33. ___________ you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!
A. As B. If C. Because D. Until
34. Always keep a first-aid kit(急救箱)in you home—just ___there is an accident.
A. in case B. so that C. as though D. even if
35. ________ you choose, you must stand by your decision.
A. Wherever B. Whichever C. However D. Whenever
36. After graduating, he tried to work hard ______ he could make more money for his family.
A. because B. in case C. until D. so that
37. Don’t worry, Mr. Hunter. Just ______ I explained in the e-mail, your request will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
A. after B. as C. when D. because
38. In your inmost heart you must believe that you can succeed ______ others have failed.
A. after B. because C. if D. where
39. On the workdays, ________ I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed.
A. as soon as B. unless C. as far as D. although
40. Do you want a friend ______ you could tell everything, like your deepest feelings and thoughts?
A. to whom B. that C. to which D. whose
41. She has helped to set up special places _______ they can live safely.
A. which B. that C. whom D. where
42. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, ______ take place forty days before Easter, usually in February.
A. that B. when C. which D. where
43. I still remembered the day ______ I gave my first lecture in college.
A. when B. that C. which D. how
44. Paper cuts ______ show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate weddings.
A. which B. who C. whose D. when
45. He was forced to leave Iceland because he had an accident , ______ he got into trouble. A. where B. that C. during which D. for which