用used to或一般现在时完成句子What games( ) you ( ) when you were a child?请简单说明下理由,我感觉不是用used to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 17:38:47

用used to或一般现在时完成句子What games( ) you ( ) when you were a child?请简单说明下理由,我感觉不是用used to
用used to或一般现在时完成句子
What games( ) you ( ) when you were a child?
我感觉不是用used to

用used to或一般现在时完成句子What games( ) you ( ) when you were a child?请简单说明下理由,我感觉不是用used to
一般现在是不能用在这个句子,因为时间状语从句使用的一般过去时,表示的过去的时间,如用used to 的话,可以使用used to do 表示过去常常做某事.答案应当是What games did you use to do when you were a child?或是What games used you to do when you were a child?因为used to do 词组中,助动词可以是did也可以是used.

What games ( did ) you ( used to play ) when you were a child?
used to do sth. 过去曾经一直做某事
变疑问句:did ... used to do
变否定句:didn't used to do

what games did you use to play when you were a child ?

what games did u use to play when...
what games used u to play when...
used to可以直接倒装的,不需要什么助词

是what game did you use to play when you were a child
主要要区分两个,一个是used to do sth和be used doing sth
首先,used to do sth是过去做什么事,而现在不做了,强调现在不做了
be/get used doing sth是习惯于做某事
used t...


是what game did you use to play when you were a child
主要要区分两个,一个是used to do sth和be used doing sth
首先,used to do sth是过去做什么事,而现在不做了,强调现在不做了
be/get used doing sth是习惯于做某事
used to do sth其实是use to do sth的过去时,因为它的意思是过去做什么事,所以一般是用的过去时,也就是used,所以,在变成一般疑问句的时候,就要用助动词do了,就吧used to do sth当成普通的一般过去时用
be/get used doing sth呢是习惯于做某事,这里used就是一个形容词了,所以后面是动名词doing,used就是习惯的意思了,如果是一般疑问句的话,先考虑时态,比方说是tom is used to the climate here.是一般现在时,所以变成一般疑问句就是简单的把be动词提前,变成is tom used to the climate here,如果是过去时,那就把is换成was
楼上说的直接倒装是非常非常老的说法了,太过于正式了,一般交谈是不会用这种used to直接倒装的,相信我,没错的


用used to或一般现在时完成句子What games( ) you ( ) when you were a child?请简单说明下理由,我感觉不是用used to 用used to或一般现在时完成句子When I was a child,I never( )meat,but I eat it now.这题我确定下. 用 used to的正确形式填空have you got a car用used to或一般现在时完成句子.(8分) 1.‘Have you got a car?’‘No,I _______________【use to】have one but I sold it.’ 2.George _______________ 【use to be】a waiter.Now he’s the 用 used to的正确形式填空have you got a car用used to或一般现在时完成句子.(8分) 1.‘Have you got a car?’‘No,I _______________ one but I sold it.’ 2.George _______________ a waiter.Now he’s the manager of a hotel.3.When I wa 用used to 或一般现在时完成句子 句子如下1.We( )near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.2.Normally I start work at 7 o'clock,so I ( )up e=vey early. 用be /get used to造句 时 如果是一般现在时 used 用变为use吗? what___you(buy)yesterday用一般现在时或完成时填空 用used to或be used to填空 用适当的词或词组完成下列句子1.Joseph ______ be thin.But now he is very strong.2.Amy used to ______ short hair .But now she has long hair .3.Judy used to be _______.Now she is outgoing.4.I used to _________ glasses.But now I don't use th 用 used to,be used to do,be used to doing 各造两个句子同上 用used to造10组句子 用used to 造几个句子. I used to like spiders and other ( i )根据句意和提示完成句子 用一般现在时 造五个句子. People in Sichuan_________eating spicy food.用used to 或 be used to 更具意思完成句子 那些外国人不适应这儿的生活 The foreigners didn't_____ _____ _____the life here.用 used to do 用( )内动词的一般现在时完成下列句子,要快,快I (live)in Beijing.He (watch)television erening.LI Hong often(listen) to the radio.I sometimes(go)to bed early.We often (have) breadfast at this hotel. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词完成句子1. I hope to visit a place ( )the weather is cool.2. The village in ( )my grandparents used to lies at the foot of a mountain.3.I know a place ( )we can have a wonderful time.4.The gi