六年级下册英语期中复习 苏教版

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六年级下册英语期中复习 苏教版
六年级下册英语期中复习 苏教版

六年级下册英语期中复习 苏教版
Unit 1
1. 了解方位词的具体用法:
(1) A 在B 的…方位 (两者互不干涉)
A is north(北方) / south(南方)/east(东方)/west(西方)of B
A is north-east/ north-west/ south-east/ south-west of B
e.g. Tokyo is north- east of Shanghai.
(2)A 在B 的…方位 (A 在B的范围内)
A is in the north(北方) / south(南方)/east(东方)/west(西方)of B
A is in the north-east/ north-west/ south-east/ south-west of B
e.g. Tokyo is in east of Japan.
2. Asia 亚洲 Asian 亚洲人,亚洲人的
Japan 日本 Japanese 日本人,日本人的,日语
2. capital 首都 A is the capital of B (A是B 的首都)
Which city is the capital of … ?
3. at an exhibition 在展览会 exhibition-exhibit
4. great cities in Asia 亚洲的大城市
5. How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?
How far is it…? 用于询问距离,意味“多远”
from A to B 从A处到B 处
6. How can we travel to Beijing ?
Travel 去某地旅游,不能少介词 to
travel to other places
travel-traveller 旅行者
= tour-tourist
7. by train 乘火车 by plane= by air 乘飞机 by ship= by sea 乘船
8. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train?
It takes about ten hours.
How long does it take (sb) to do sth?
It takes (sb sometime to do sth)
9. in the past 在过去(是过去时态的标志)
10. million 百万(6 million, 10 million)
millions of 成千上万的 (millions of tourists,teachers, students...)
11. be famous for 因为…而著名
12. at these beautiful beaches 在沙滩
13.(like/ enjoy/ love)+ doing sth. 喜欢干某事
14. information 信息( 不可数名词)
15. more than 超过= over.
16 swimming pool 游泳池
18. 2个半小时 (1)two hours and a half
(2)two and a half hours
19. 2天半 (1)two days and a half
(2)two and a half days
Unit 2
At the airport
period 1
1. Los Angeles 洛杉矶
a trip to Los Angeles
2. a plane ticket = an air ticket飞机票
3. pack 装箱 package 包裹
4. a suitcase手提箱
5. space 空间
6. a silk scarf (silk 丝绸)
a few silk scarves = several silk scarves
7. several几个
8. 掌握现在完成式的基本表达形式 have has+ done
9. for +一段时间,表示持续了多久
Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike have lived in Los Angeles for six years. 在洛杉矶住了六年.
10. too many + 可数名词 too much+ 不可数名词
11.enough + 名词(enough food 充足的食物…)
形容词 + enough (big enough 足够的大…)
12. plan to do sth 计划干某事
period 2
1. fly-flight飞行(名词)
a flight trip
2. drive sb to …someplace
3. departure 出发 departure time 出发时间
depart for = leave for 出发去…地方
4. get to 到达= arrive in+ 大地点
at+ 小地点 (~ the airport)
arrival (名词) 到达 arrival time
5. have to do sth 不得不干某事 = must do sth
6. live/ stay…(地点) for…(一段时间)
7. destination 目的地
8. Don’t worry 不要担心.
9. I am worried. 我很担心.
Period 3
1. trolley 手推车 trolleys(复数形式)
2. lift 电梯
3. escalators 自动扶梯
4. mean 意思指的是…(动词)
What does this sign mean?
It means“you can find trolleys there.”
meaning 意思 (名词)
What is the meaning of this sign?
Period 4
1. passport 护照
pass–passport -passenger 乘客
2. a boarding card登机牌
3. a name tag 姓名牌
4. address 地址
5. bring(带来)brought à brought
6. check--checklist 清单 dollar 美元
7. Have you done sth , yet?
Yes, I’ve already done sth
No, I haven’t done sth yet.
Unit 3
Period 1
1. festival 节日
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
dragon boat races 赛龙舟
2. a rice dumpling 粽子
3. celebrate -- celebration 庆祝
4. remember 记住,纪念
• remember to do sth 记得要去干某事
• remember doing sth 记得干过某事
listen to sb/ sth
5. lunar 农历的
the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 农历五月五号
6. battle 战役 lose-lost-lost 丢失,输掉
lose a battle 打败仗
7. be born 出生于…
8. ago …之前( three years ago) later 之后
9. danger 危险 --- dangerous 危险的
be in danger处于危险中
10. advice 建议(不可数名词)
a piece of advice一条建议
give advice to sb 向某人提建议
take one’s advice = follow one’s advice 采纳某人的建议
11. advise 建议(动词)
advise sb to do sth 建议某人干某事
12. die-died-died 死(动词)
death 死亡(名词)
Period 2
1. rice dumplings with meat 肉粽 ( with:带有,表示配料)
rice dumplings without beans (without:没有)
Period 3
1. Would you like some… 你想要吃…吗?
Yes, please. No, thanks.
Yes,I would. No, I wouldn’t.
2. I’d rather have a piece of pizza.
would rather宁愿,宁可…
would rather do sth 宁愿干某事
would rather not do sth 宁愿不干某事
3. 一片面包:a piece of bread
两片面包:two pieces of bread
4. 发送一封电子邮件 send an email
send sth to sb = send sb sth 寄某物给某人
5. 伟人 the great man
6. foreign 外国的(~ friends,people)
foreigner 外国人
Unit 4
Period 1
1. really 真正地,的确
We really love doing puzzles.
2. forget to do sth 忘记要去干某事
3. forget doing sth 忘记干过某事
4. 一项室内活动 an indoor activity
5. 一项户外活动 an outdoor activity
6. 多有趣!What a fun !
7.做..是有趣的 It is interesting to do sth
8.喜欢做某事 like/ enjoy/ love doing sth
9.既是A也是B both A and B
10.既不是A也不是B Neither A and B
11.在操场上 in the playground
11.打篮球 playing basketball
12.弹钢琴 playing the piano
13.做模型 making models
14.去野餐 going on a picnic
15.收集邮票 collecting stamps
16.保持健康 staying healthy= keeping healthy
17.骑自行车 going cycling= cycling
18.放风筝 flying kites
19.玩电脑游戏 playing computer games
20.打网球 playing tennis
21.烧烤 having a barbecue
Period 2
1. health problem 健康问题
2. have a headache 头痛
3. have a stomach ache 胃痛
4. have toothache 牙痛
5. have a cold 感冒
6. have a fever 发烧
7. have a sore throat 喉咙痛
8. watch too much television, 看太多电视
9. wear enough clothes 穿足够的衣服
10. more 更多的
11. less 更少的(用于不可数名词)
12. fewer 更少的(用于可数名词)
13. Why do I always do sth ?为什么我总是…
14. What should I do? 我应该干些什么?
15. It’s because…,I’m afraid.我恐怕这是因为…
Period 3
1.一天一次 once a day
2.一星期两次 twice a week
3.一个月三次 three times a month
4.问频率 How often do sb do sth?
5.练习做某事 practice doing sth
6. do the housework 做家务
Unit 5
period 1
1. centimeter 厘米
He is 150 centimeters tall.
2. kilogram 千克 weigh 重
She weighs 55 kilograms. (提问用How much)
How much does she weigh? (一般现在时)
She will weigh thirty kilograms. (将来时)
3. magic 有魔力的
4. an astronaut 一位宇航员
5. Kitty is taller now. (比较级规则变化直接加er)
6. Kitty is heavier now. (比较级去Y 变ier)
7. Kitty is more beautiful now. (比较级不规则变化:多音节形容词前加more)
8. in front of 在…前面
9. take a photograph 拍照片
10. wait for the red light 等待…
wait for sb to do sth
11. look for 寻找,(强调过程) find 找到,(强调结果)
12. a ¥20 note 一张29元的纸币
13. press the button 按按钮
14. come out 出来
15. on the back 在背面
16. possible 可能的 future 将来
in the future 在将来
possible future可能的未来
17. in 15 years’ time 15年之后
in+时间 :多少时间之后(用将来时)
18. What will you be like in 15 years’ time?
What will you be ?
19. possibly可能地(副词)
He will possibly be a…
Period 2
1. sing--singer 歌手
2. bake烘烤 -- baker面包师 -- bakery 面包房
3. report 报告 -- reporter 记者
a report on sth (关于…的报告)
4. be good at doing sth 擅长干某事
5. be poor at doing sth 不擅长干某事
6. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜
wear glasses 戴眼镜
7 Yes,I agree.我同意 No, I don’t agree. 我不同意
Period 3
1. work in a bakery 在面包房工作
2. grow bigger 长大
3. read and write a lot 看很多读很多(书)
4. a cook 一位厨师 some cooks 一些厨师
Period 4
1. fly a spacecraft 驾驶航天飞机
2. I have to practise English more. 更多的练习英语
3. have to do sth 不得不干某事.
Unit 6
Period 1
1. season 季节-- seasonal 季节的
Seasonal changes 季节的变化
2. an uniform 一件校服 some uniforms
3. Uniforms for different seasons不同季节的校服
4. change into 变成
5. changeable weather 多变的天气
6. all new students所有的新学生
7. a pair of shorts 一条短裤
8. wear a red scarf 戴一条红领巾 (red scarves)
9. write a notice to sb 写通知给某人
Period 2
1. 在四月上旬It is in early April.
2. 在四月下旬It is in late April.
Period 3
1. School life 校园生活
2. take some photographs of sb为某人拍照
3. flowers grow in the garden 花儿在花园里生长
4. in the canteen 在食堂
5. an air-conditioner 一台空调
There is an air-conditioner in the school library. 图书馆里有一台空调
The school library is air-conditioned. 图书馆是有空调的.
6. after school 放学后 after lunch 午饭后
Period 4
1. snowman 雪人 堆雪人make snowmen
2. 取暖 keep warm

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