高手来啊,帮小妹翻译一段手机说明书 中—>英 使用充电器的注意事项请不要拆卸或改装充电器,否则会导致人身伤害、触电、起火和充电器损坏.请使用220V交流电.使用其它电压会引起

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:33:27

高手来啊,帮小妹翻译一段手机说明书 中—>英 使用充电器的注意事项请不要拆卸或改装充电器,否则会导致人身伤害、触电、起火和充电器损坏.请使用220V交流电.使用其它电压会引起
高手来啊,帮小妹翻译一段手机说明书 中—>英
 使用充电器的注意事项
 清洁和维护

高手来啊,帮小妹翻译一段手机说明书 中—>英 使用充电器的注意事项请不要拆卸或改装充电器,否则会导致人身伤害、触电、起火和充电器损坏.请使用220V交流电.使用其它电压会引起
Chargers use matters to the attention of
Please do not demolished or converted chargers, which could lead to personal injury, electrocution, fire damage and chargers.
Please use 220V AC. The use of other voltage leakage caused the fire and the cell phone charger and damage.
Prohibit short-circuit charger, otherwise it would cause electric shock, and smoke damage to the charger.
Please do not damage the power lines for the use of chargers, it will cause a fire or electric shock.
Please timely plot clean power socket in the dust.
Please do not put the water storage containers on the charger next to the water to avoid spills caused short-circuit charger, leakage or other failure.
If the Chargers exposed to water or other liquids, immediately cut off the power supply to prevent short circuits, fire, electric shock and charger failure.
Please do not high humidity in the bathroom where the use of chargers, which could lead to electric shock, fire and chargers damaged.
Please do not contact with wet hands chargers, wiring and electrical outlets, which could lead to electric shock.
Not to heavy loads on the power line or modified wires, otherwise it will create an electric shock and fire.
In the cleaning and maintenance of the former post charger plugs from the power outlet draw.
Pulling plugs when to seize chargers, pull the power line will damage wires, electric shock and caused the fire.
Please do not charge at the following locations : high temperatures such as direct sunlight; Wet dust or vibration of a large area (cause failures); TV, radios and other electrical appliances near (will affect images, sound effects).
 cleaning and maintenance
• Do not high humidity in the bathroom where the use of mobile phones, batteries and chargers, we should also avoid rain showers.
• Use a soft, dry cloth cleaning phones, batteries and chargers.
• Do not use alcohol, benzene or diluent chemical reagents polished phone.
• The dirt will lead to poor contact between socket switched off, making it impossible to charge, regular cleaning.

高手来啊,帮小妹翻译一段手机说明书 中—>英 使用充电器的注意事项请不要拆卸或改装充电器,否则会导致人身伤害、触电、起火和充电器损坏.请使用220V交流电.使用其它电压会引起 西班牙语说明书,找高手帮我翻译,有偿服务 哪位高手能帮我翻译一段英文文章呀 请英文高手帮翻译一段文章,深表感谢! 高手帮小妹个忙主要是我不会删除那个模块怎么删啊 来个英语高手吧 快点快点 帮我翻译吧 急啊 请高手帮我写张英语告示具体意思内容为:工作中,有事请打我手机XXXXXX,或者来本院85B找我. 寓言起源于(),是由()和()演化而来的一种文体各位大妈大叔大姐大哥们啊,救救小妹吧!小妹要在学校混口饭吃的啊!佛则就要写说明书啦!) 哪位大大帮小妹翻译一段话啊,拜托了,我英语水平超烂!在长笛训练中,手指训练是一个重要的环节.手指易出现的问题有:演奏姿势不正确;手指按键力度过大及手指按键力度不均匀;手指与 learn to act是什么意思求求英语高手来帮小妹的忙!请直接回答单词的意思,要快呀!thank you very much! 各位英语高手来帮小妹我看一道题哟、He a____ to be an honest man 那个空应该填什么呢? 英语高手来,帮翻译一下简单的一段话.不要乱翻译,翻译要好.i want to do everything that i like ,but i am not allowed baby i miss you so much and i am very busy 求高手翻译一段话. 英语生词帮我翻译下一我姐夫从台湾带了一块手机给我.哇 说明书全是繁体文..在电池的标签上写到..帮我翻译一下啊!谢了1.Manutacturedby Celxperl Energy CO.LTD2.Producl of Taiwan手机电池仓里的标签是.. 英语翻译那位知识分子帮小妹我翻译一下, 英语翻译哥哥姐姐们帮小妹翻译一下啦 请教英语高手翻译一下这句话:要查找泵浦的说明书,并查看报警代码来做相应的处理 物理高手来,1个填空,帮我下,手机、电视、无线电广播靠接受( )进行工作的如题