改写句子(不改变原意)(1)she is wearing a blue coat today.she is _______ ________ today.(2)can i help you?______ there _____ i can do ______ you?(3)the boy's name is Damao.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ is Damao.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 03:40:07

改写句子(不改变原意)(1)she is wearing a blue coat today.she is _______ ________ today.(2)can i help you?______ there _____ i can do ______ you?(3)the boy's name is Damao.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ is Damao.
(1)she is wearing a blue coat today.
she is _______ ________ today.
(2)can i help you?
______ there _____ i can do ______ you?
(3)the boy's name is Damao.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ is Damao.

改写句子(不改变原意)(1)she is wearing a blue coat today.she is _______ ________ today.(2)can i help you?______ there _____ i can do ______ you?(3)the boy's name is Damao.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ is Damao.
she is in blue today.
is there anything i can do for you?
the name people call him is Damao.

1 in blue
2 Is anything for
3 There's a boy whose name

she is in blue today.
is there anything i can do for you?
the name of the boy is Damao.

Are these your pens?(不改变句子原意,改写句子) (1) she is wearing a blue coat today.(不变原意改写句子) 改写句子(不改变原意)(1)she is wearing a blue coat today.she is _______ ________ today.(2)can i help you?______ there _____ i can do ______ you?(3)the boy's name is Damao.______ ______ ______ ______ ______ is Damao. 改变句子顺序不改变句子原意! 改写句子的句式,不改变原意.Did you mention to me your name? I‘d rather have Western food than Chinese food.用prefer改写不改变句子原意! 不改变句子原意,按照不同要求改写下列句子. 这件事是有成功的希望的. (1)改写双重否定句,使语气加重不改变句子原意,按照不同要求改写下列句子.这件事是有成功的希望的.(1)改写双 改写句子,不改变原意改写成两个句子无花果是我国农村占地面积小、结实多的一种常见的果实改写两个句子, she often has fun at parties改写句子,原意不变 改写句子,不改变原意:看到数不清的青松白桦,谁能不向四面八方望一望呢?要正经回答 I‘d rather have Western food than Chinese food.用prefer改写不改变句子原意!说明为什么这么改! 改写句子,不变原意改变形式,但是不改变意思,写五种上海人民修建了新展览馆1.___________________2.___________________3.___________________4.___________________5.___________________ 根据要求改写句子,不改变句子原意.这两根手指正是这朵兰花中最优美的两瓣.改为双重否定句改为设问句 按照例句的形式改写下面的句子(不改变句子原意)例:山间炊烟袅袅,如丝如缕.江上一片片白帆,像一幅画,又像一首诗. She has a good time at weekends.改写句子,保持原意She ______ _______ at weekends. 改写下面的句子,不改变原意.用上括号中的词.When people recall their childhood,the memory of illnesses usually comes up first.(stand out)Illnesses____________________________________________________. 把下列句子用另外五种形式写出来,不改变原意.SOS!鄂温克姑娘端上奶茶.改写上面那个句子,原意不变有几个写几个哈, 英语问题,帮忙啊!(改变句子)She is both interested in Chinese and English(保持原意)She is interested in Chinese and English_______ _______