雅思写作大神进来!关于复议的!越来越多的小孩子在课堂上难以集中注意力.问:原因和解决办法.我的文章:It is not uncommon to discuss the educational issue.Many students especially youngsters believe that it is t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:26:19

雅思写作大神进来!关于复议的!越来越多的小孩子在课堂上难以集中注意力.问:原因和解决办法.我的文章:It is not uncommon to discuss the educational issue.Many students especially youngsters believe that it is t
It is not uncommon to discuss the educational issue.
Many students especially youngsters believe that it is tough to pay attention in the class.In my observation,there are two main reasons for this problem.
Firstly,school puts the heavy burdon upon the backs of these kids.In order to seek a better future for these children,the curricula of school is generally full.Besides,most of these curricula is hard to learn.Once a student cannot finish his homework because it is too difficult,it will weaken his motivation indeed.So it is reasonable that he cannot concentrate at school anymore.
In addition,many temptations are in this changing world.The intuition of children is play,not to mention that there is a variety of computer games do attract children’s eyes.For example,a very popular game called LOL is endearing to elementary students.In some cases,I can see that a primary school student spent all of his leisure time on playing that game regardless of homework,physical exercise and the like.To be honest,it seems like that no measure can stop it.
However,I strongly believe that there are some proposals can be taken to solve this problem.At first,schools are not supposed to provide too much homework for kids but to provide students with some recreational activities such as seek-and-hide,jumping rope and make-believegame.Without playing computer game and having a relax life,these kids will concentrate in class again.
How to teach and how to educate remains a question,but it is for sure that if we can think in children’s way,the solution for this issue will be more efficient.

雅思写作大神进来!关于复议的!越来越多的小孩子在课堂上难以集中注意力.问:原因和解决办法.我的文章:It is not uncommon to discuss the educational issue.Many students especially youngsters believe that it is t
文章中有很多无效的表达和重复表达,比如第二段,many students,especially youngster,这里的youngster是无效表达,这使得你这个看上去比较高级的词汇失去了意义.再比如结尾段,how to teach and how to educate,其中一个完全可以删掉.

雅思写作大神进来!关于复议的!越来越多的小孩子在课堂上难以集中注意力.问:原因和解决办法.我的文章:It is not uncommon to discuss the educational issue.Many students especially youngsters believe that it is t 有过雅思复议经验的大神们~你们看我的这个成绩复议希望大么?总分7,听力7.5,阅读7.5,写作6,口语6.5..我想复议写作,希望能提高0.5,希望大否?跪谢 关于雅思写作成绩复议的问题总分8,听力8.5 阅读9 写作6.5 口语7大家觉得我把写作复议到7的可能性有多大? 雅思复议成绩的方式 雅思复议降分如果复议多项会不会这项升高那项降低呢?比如写作升高口语降低的? 雅思写作复议,请问成功率大不大?请问有没有人写作复议成功过的,这次听力9阅读8.5写作6口语7. 雅思复议 总分5.5 听力6 阅读7 写作5 口语4.5 想复议到6.5 能成功吗 复议是只能提高一个单项的分数吗 关于雅思 口语和写作成绩复议?刚出的成绩L6.5R7W5S4.5,觉得口语给的太少了.还没以前给的分高= =,如果去复议的话提高0.5分的概率高吗?复议能不能同时复议口语和写作呢?会不会最后给个更低的 我的雅思写作6.5,均分7.5,想复议写作到7.0,请问有希望么 我的雅思成绩:阅读7,听力6.5,口语6,写作5.5,想复议写作成绩,大家觉得成功率高不高~ 雅思阅读有复议成功的吗 雅思阅读有复议成功的吗 我雅思成绩复议成功率大不大?总分6,听力6 阅读7 写作5.5 口语6,我想问问我写作的复议成功率大不大,写作高个0.5我就够分数了我是第一次考雅思~ 求雅思写作复议的成功率大不大?我第二次考雅思听力7.5,阅读7,写作5,口语6.5自己感觉写作不会那么差啊!还有复议一般要多久知道结果啊? 雅思复议 写作我4.10考的雅思听力和阅读都是6.5,口语6,但写作只有5.我想复议写作,能上1分吗?成功率有多大? 如何复议雅思写作成绩我刚拿到雅思成绩,在南澳考的.阅读,听力都是8.5,口语7,写作只有6.5.我想复议写作有没有复议成功的人,给点建议啊,复议成功的关键是什么? 雅思写作复议加分可能性大么? 我雅思总分6 听力 6.5 阅读6.5 写作5.5 口语6 ,若复议写作成绩 ,有多大的可能性写作提高到6,口语提至6.5