
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:23:18


add; add in ; last time ; lose one's presence of mind ;upset stomach; your favourite camera; let it be repaired; let sth.done.; look after/ take care of a dog / puppy(小狗); go somewhere peaceful ; care of sb.;for holiday; pay the bill; work out/figure out the record; hide up; have a good look; look through the diry curtain ; catch/find sb.doing sth.(这里"抓住"要看是被发现在做某事,还是被抓住的时候正在做某事,后者是有触碰身体的); catch/ hang/ clamp on; too much of light; like most people do; happen to do sth.; happen doing sth.; happen did sth.; should have done sth.; up/down stair; one by one; settle; pull the curtain; make it worse/mess; this moment/ this time; communicate with sb.; join sb,join in sth.; be thankful for sb.of sth.; exchange A with B; gramma stuff/ item


1increase /add 2add sth into 3last time 4 feel upset5have a stomache 6your favorite camera 7let it be repaired 8take care of a dog 9visit some quite place 10care someone ...


1increase /add 2add sth into 3last time 4 feel upset5have a stomache 6your favorite camera 7let it be repaired 8take care of a dog 9visit some quite place 10care someone 11 on vacation /go vacation 12pay a bill /afford for sth 13figure out the grades 14hide sth 15look sth carefully 16look sth through the dirty curtains 17catch some for doing sth18hook 19too much light 20do as manypeople do 21do sth by accident 22should have done 23up/down stairs 24oneby one /turn toturn 25set at26pull curtains 27make it worse 28this moment 29communicate with sb 30jion sb 31takepart in some activities 32thanks sb for sth33 exchange a for b34 grammar project


add to; mix.....with....; last time; be distracted; have something wrong with stomach; your favourite camera; have it repaired; have it done; take care of a dog; go somewhere quiet; be concerned about...


add to; mix.....with....; last time; be distracted; have something wrong with stomach; your favourite camera; have it repaired; have it done; take care of a dog; go somewhere quiet; be concerned about somebody; go for a holiday; pay for bill;calculate the score; hide it; look at it carefully; look through the dirty curtain; catch somebody doing something; hook/hang/cramp on ....; so much light; do as most people do; happen to do something; happen to have done something; should have done something; upstairs/downstairs; one by one; settle down; pull the curtain; make it worse; at this moment; communicate with somebody; join somebody/join in something; be thankful to somebody for something; exchange A with B; grammar projects


英语翻译增加;把···加进···里;上一次;感到心慌意乱;肠胃不适;你最喜欢的照相机;让它被修理;让某事被做;照顾一只狗;去安静的地方;关心某人;去度假;付账单;计算出成 英语翻译能不能把past或它的其他形式加进这句话里?  把下列四种X的溶液分别加进四个盛有10mL 2mol·L-1盐酸的烧杯中,并均加水稀释至50mL.此时,X和盐酸缓慢地进行反应,其中反应速率最大的是            英语翻译《战国策·齐策》里的. 某商品的原价是24元,“五·一“节降价酬宾,当天销售量增加一半时,收入增加20%,这种商品降价百分之几?要把分析过程写出来. 英语翻译把原文也抄下来!·`~ 英语翻译1.把···扔到···上面2.掉到···上 想找一篇英语完形大意讲的是 一男子和一女子第一次约会 男子很紧张 喝咖啡时误把盐当作糖加进了咖啡里 男子为缓解尴尬局面对女子撒谎说 他小时候住在海边 把盐加进咖啡里是为了还念 把下列四种X溶液,分别加进四个盛有10mL浓度为2 mol·L-1 的盐酸的烧杯中,并都加水稀释至50mL,此时,X和盐酸缓慢地进行反应,其中反应速率最大的是().A 10 mL、2 mol·L-1 B 20 mL、2 mol·L-1C 10 mL、4 mo 英语翻译就是这个视频里的 ··· 太空失重状况阅读答案新导航初中同步单元测试卷HZZ·语文年级(上)一里的最好把二和三的全部答案也发一下 一个正方形边长增加4/1.则周长增加( ),面积增加( )· 阅读材料;根据要求写作文;传说有一种很小的鸟,可以跨越大洋,能够连续飞行几万里,他需要的只是一小节树枝·它把树枝衔在嘴里··累了就把那节树枝,扔在水面上 ,然后飞落在树枝上休息 英语翻译双城记里的查尔斯·代尔那 救命~昨天晚上,我把体温计放在大概70左右的水里,水在杯子里,只听到啪的一声···昨天晚上,我把体温计放在大概70左右的水里,水在杯子里,杯子是平时喝水用的,只听到啪的一声水银温度计爆 把 从···出去 用英语翻译 一个长方形的长是14·8cm,把它的长增加6.5cm,宽不变),面积就增加67.6cm2,原来长方形面积? 一个梯形,它的上底增加5·2cm,就变成一个正方形,面积就增加20·8平方厘米原来梯形的面积是多少平方厘米