
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 03:41:32


There is a legend,in ancient Yao and Shun Golden Age 4,000 years ago when,during the reign of Emperor Yao diligently for the people for the people to do a lot of good,very popular with the majority of people love,but it is not because the child is no synthesizer,he did not put the "emperor" of the throne passed to his son,but both can be passed to the character of Shun.Yao on Shun said:"You must take the throne next pass good job,but also peace of mind until after my death a rest in peace." Shun the throne was passed to cure flooding meritorious Yu,Yu Shun also as loving as close to the people for the people do a lot of good,very beloved.Later,after the death of people to Yao,Shun worship heaven and earth,and the first Emperor in the day,as the date of the beginning of the year,the first day is called "New Year's Day",or "meta-being",which is the ancient New Year's Day.

And a legend, is more than 4000 years ago in the ancient time of many legends, yao in the wrong when people do for the people in the diligence the many good thing, is well received by the people loved...


And a legend, is more than 4000 years ago in the ancient time of many legends, yao in the wrong when people do for the people in the diligence the many good thing, is well received by the people loved, but have no just because its not too to become useful, he did not, "the emperor" throne pass on to his son, but to the moral character of both to shun. Yao to shun said: "you must be the future has cosied up to me, tells after death also can ease you." Later, to put to flood the tells the meritorious yu, yu also like that people close to people, for the people, do a lot of good things, are loved. The people later put yao died, ShunDi sacrifice to the heaven and earth and first emperor yao that day, as the beginning of the year of the day, the first day of the lunar year called "New Year's day", or "yuan is", this is the ancient New Year's day.


When there being also a legend is the peaceful times of Yao Shun in more than 4000 year agos time immemorial, the Yao Emperor was diligent in politics while reigning in people for the common people do...


When there being also a legend is the peaceful times of Yao Shun in more than 4000 year agos time immemorial, the Yao Emperor was diligent in politics while reigning in people for the common people do a lot of good matters is really supported by large common people, but because its son has no and just not too becomes useful, he don't pass his own son to the emperor of "Emperor", but is pass moral qualities just can and have of Shun.The Yao says to the Shun:"You must spread the throne on good terms from now on and treat me clay-cold can also have peace of mind Ming eyes."Afterwards the Shun passed throne to cure the Yu that the flood has a great achievement, the Yu as well is like a so close people of Shun to love people to be pretty much supported by person to do a lot of good matters for common people.Afterwards people chase Yao clay-cold, the Shun emperor offers sacrifices to world and first emperor Yao of that day of, day regard as a beginning for one year, make the beginning of January being called"New Year's Day" a, or"the dollar is positive", this is the ancient New Year's Day.


是这样的:And a legend, is more than 4000 years ago in the ancient time of many legends, yao in the wrong when people do for the people in the diligence the many good thing, is well received by the people ...


是这样的:And a legend, is more than 4000 years ago in the ancient time of many legends, yao in the wrong when people do for the people in the diligence the many good thing, is well received by the people loved, but have no just because its not too to become useful, he did not, "the emperor" throne pass on to his son, but to the moral character of both to shun. Yao to shun said: "you must be the future has cosied up to me, tells after death also can ease you." Later, to put to flood the tells the meritorious yu, yu also like that people close to people, for the people, do a lot of good things, are loved. The people later put yao died, ShunDi sacrifice to the heaven and earth and first emperor yao that day, as the beginning of the year of the day, the first day of the lunar year called "New Year's day", or "yuan is", this is the ancient New Year's day.


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