英语翻译那句中出现了 not ......until 这个短语,我就在想这句子就要翻译成直到到很晚才。所以困惑。如果用了 "'直到.......才"这个短语去翻译,句子意思就变了。我问题的关键“not ......until

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:25:28

英语翻译那句中出现了 not ......until 这个短语,我就在想这句子就要翻译成直到到很晚才。所以困惑。如果用了 "'直到.......才"这个短语去翻译,句子意思就变了。我问题的关键“not ......until
那句中出现了 not ......until 这个短语,我就在想这句子就要翻译成直到到很晚才。所以困惑。如果用了 "'直到.......才"这个短语去翻译,句子意思就变了。我问题的关键“not ......until" 这该翻译成"'直到.......才"这个短语,意思就变了。我想知道为什么这里不能用这个短语去译。

英语翻译那句中出现了 not ......until 这个短语,我就在想这句子就要翻译成直到到很晚才。所以困惑。如果用了 "'直到.......才"这个短语去翻译,句子意思就变了。我问题的关键“not ......until
你是想翻译成用not until.did...的'直到...才...'的强调句式?
Not until late didn't you stay out,because you have a test tomorrow.



you shouldn't stay out too late,,because you have a test tomorrow
until 有 to 的意思,你不能出去玩到太晚

通常情况下会说成:don't stay out until late ,because you have a test tomorrow,但是直接用don't打头,句子的语气会发生变化,变成了一个命令式的祈使句,而加上you,则能使语气较为委婉和温和,变成是建议式的一个句子,就是说“你还是不要再外面待得太晚了,你明天还有考试呢。”至于you要不要听这个建议,说话者则没有强制要求,最好可以听,不听也...


通常情况下会说成:don't stay out until late ,because you have a test tomorrow,但是直接用don't打头,句子的语气会发生变化,变成了一个命令式的祈使句,而加上you,则能使语气较为委婉和温和,变成是建议式的一个句子,就是说“你还是不要再外面待得太晚了,你明天还有考试呢。”至于you要不要听这个建议,说话者则没有强制要求,最好可以听,不听也不怎么样。


not less than ...
结构∶not less than+名词
说明∶此句型意为“至少…”。等于“at least+<数词>+<名词>”。
The audience was not less than five thousand. 听众至少也有五千人。
I’ll stay here not less than three days...


not less than ...
结构∶not less than+名词
说明∶此句型意为“至少…”。等于“at least+<数词>+<名词>”。
The audience was not less than five thousand. 听众至少也有五千人。
I’ll stay here not less than three days. 我将待在这里至少三天。
Though they think it takes no more than three days to fulfill the mission, I believe it takes not less than six days. 虽然他们认为完成这任务只需三天,但我却认为至少需要六天。
at best + N
结构∶at best+名词
说明∶此句型意为“充其量…;只不过是…”。等于“nothing but ...”。
Don’t expect much of him; he is at best a student. 不要对他期望过高;他只不过是个学生。
She is at best a second-rate singer. 她充其量是个二流歌手。
Don’t scold him too much; he is at best a child. 不要太责骂他;他只不过是个孩子。
much more /much less ...
结构∶much more/much less…
说明∶此句型意为“更不用说…”。“much more ...”等于“let alone ...”或“still more ...”,只用于肯定句;“much less ...”等于“still less ...”,只用于<否定句>。
She can speak English, much more/let alone/still more write it.
She cannot speak English, much less/still less write it. 她不会说英语,更不用说写英文了。
You have a right to your property, much more to your ideas.
I enjoy singing, much more listening to music. 我喜欢唱歌,更不用说听音乐了。
She cannot buy daily necessities, much less luxuries.
He can hardly run a mile, much less the marathon. 他连一哩都跑不了,更不用说马拉松了。
That father can’t discipline himself, much less set a good example for his children to follow.
... more than any other N
结构∶比较级+than+any other+单数名词
说明∶此句型意为“比其他任何…都还…”。这是用<比较级>来表示<最高级>的同范围比较<句型>。也可用“<比较级>+than+all the other+复数<名词>”来表示。
John is more diligent than any other student in his class. 约翰比班上其他的同学用功。
John is more diligent than all the other students in his class.
Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
Autumn is better for reading than any other season. 秋天比任何季节都适合读书。
Mt. Jade is higher than any other mountain in Taiwan. 玉山要比台湾的任何山都高。
... more than anyone else
结构∶比较级+than+anyone else/anything else
说明∶此句型意为“比其他任何…都还…”。这是用<比较级>来表示<最高级>的同范围比较<句型>。anyone else 指人;anything else 指物。
John is more diligent than anyone else in his class. 约翰比班上其他的同学用功。
Time is more precious than anything else in the world. 时间比世上任何东西都宝贵。
Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company. 玛丽在公司里比其他人都漂亮。
We pay less attention to time than to anything else.我们对时间的不重视超过其他任何事物。
nothing is ...er than ...
结构∶nothing(或 no+名词)+动词+比较级+than…
Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.
No place is better than one’s home. 没有任何地方比得上自己的家。
Nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to music.
Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone in trouble.
There is nothing to which we pay less attention than time and air.
... nothing more than N
结构∶主词+动词+nothing more than+名词
说明∶此句型意为“…只不过…”。“nothing more than”等于“nothing but”。
Others are dismissed as nothing more than entertainment.
It is nothing more than a made-up story. 它只不过是杜撰的故事而已。
She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl.
...er than ever
结构∶…+比较级+than ever
说明∶此句型意为“比以前更…”。than ever 等于 than ever before,意为“比以前任何时候…”。
There it was, ticking away, louder than ever. 它就在那里,滴答地走着,比以前更大声。
You should be more careful than ever. 你应该比以前更小心。
Does she spend more money than ever? 她比以前花更多的钱吗?
better ... than ...
说明∶此句型意为“宁可…;最好还是…”。better 之后可接<形容词>,<副词>,<名词>,<动词>等。
Please try to attend the meeting. Better late than absent.请您尽量参加会议。迟来也比不来强。
Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract. 与其撤约还不如延期装运。
Better reduce the price than allow a discount. 与其给折扣,不如减价。
with no N is it ...er than
结构∶... and with no+名词1+is it+比较级+than+with+名词2
说明∶此句型意为“…这种情形没有一种…比…更为…”。此种结构,由于有 no,所以用 is it的倒装句型。
It is unreasonable to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation, and with no language is it more unreasonable than with English. 把某一种语言视为某一特定的国家所拥有是不合理的,而这种情形没有一种语言比英语更为不合理。
It is bad to get ill, and with no disease is it worse than with cancer.
It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.
Who is the most ...
结构∶Who is the+最高级…?
说明∶此句型意为“谁最…?”。此句型中若将 who 改为 which,即用来询问一组事物中最具某种特色的,如例句4。
Who is the oldest of them? 他们之中谁的年纪最大?
Who is the most beautiful in their family? 谁是他们家里最美丽的人?
Who is the youngest here? 这里谁是最年轻的?
Which is the most interesting subject for you? 哪个科目对你来说最有趣?
the ...est ... not ...
说明∶<最高级>词类与 not 并用时,有“甚至…都不…”的意味。
The most foolish man knows his own name. 再笨的人都知道自己的名字。
The loveliest flower cannot beat her beauty. 再漂亮的花也比不上她的美丽。
The greatest scholar cannot solve this difficult problem.
The richest man in the world cannot buy everything.
There is not the smallest chance of his escape. 他一点逃走的机会也没有。
Not even the thickest jacket was enough to keep out the cold.
The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
the ...est ... that V-ed
说明∶此句型意为“最…”。that 是<关系代名词>;<完成式>中习惯使用<副词> ever 强调。
That’s the best book that I have ever read. 那是我读过的最好的书。
That’s the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. 那是我遇到的最美好的事。
He is the most diligent student that I have ever known. 他是我所知道的最用功的学生。
That’s the worst performance (that) I have ever seen. 那是我所看过的最糟的一次表演。
of all the N, the ...est
结构∶of+the three/the four/all the+复数名词,+最高级子句
说明∶此句型意为“在…中,…最…”。但须注意:“of the two+复数<名词>+<比较级><子句>”,表示“两者中…较…”,如例句7。<最高级><子句>也可置于句首。
Of the three students, he is the best. 三个学生中,他是最好的。
Jane is the best of all the students in her class. 珍是班中最好的学生。
Jane is the best of the three (students). 珍是三个学生中最好的一个。
Of all the high mountains, Mt. Jade is the highest. 在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。
Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest. 在所有四季当中,夏天最热。
Of all the girls, she is the most beautiful. 在所有这些女孩子当中,她最美。
Of the two girls, Mary is more beautiful. 这两个女孩中,玛丽较漂亮。
A is the ...est among ...
结构∶主词+be 动词+最高级+(名词)+among…
The Chuo-shui River is the longest one among them. 浊水溪是其中最长的一条。
Which river is the shortest among them? 哪一条河流是它们之中最短的?
Paris is the most beautiful among the cities. 巴黎是这些城市中最美的。


英语翻译那句中出现了 not ......until 这个短语,我就在想这句子就要翻译成直到到很晚才。所以困惑。如果用了 '直到.......才这个短语去翻译,句子意思就变了。我问题的关键“not ......until 英语翻译语句,我们已经不再是小孩子了.句中要有kid,anymore,出现. 英语翻译就记得一段歌词中第一句歌词中间出现了.boy .girl,然后第二段第一句出现.girl.boy! 那孩子松开母亲的手,摔倒了 英语翻译句中用到let go .谢谢了 The fish(which)we bought were not fresh.此句中在we后为甚麽出现了bought和were两个过去式? 那为什么if not more 出来了,就一定要有THAN的出现, 英语翻译原句I'm not as young as I used to be我不像以前那年亲了为什么我改这句 别饿坏了那匹马文中出现几次, 《木兰辞》中出现了那两个成语? 电视剧《东方朔》中那几集出现了霍去病 天空中出现了一道彩虹.(改成比喻句) 天空中出现了一道彩虹.(改为夸张句) 英语翻译上面那句 不是说“you I ”出现在同一句中,是“You and I”那岂不是歌曲“You and me”出现语法错误了?请说的明白些. 如果在一个英文句中,既出现了单三形式,又出现了过去式或现在进行时,那到底是加S或es还是加ed或ing? 英语翻译我的生活很充足 只是少了你而已 如果当初没有你的出现 那该有多好 事到如今 我想对你说的仍然是那句 我喜欢你 英语翻译Dongle not connected ,unable to lunch paintman ,connect the dongle and lunch again这句英文是我安装了一个绘图软件paintman后打开时出现的对话框。 I'm tidy,but Gina is not.【此句中not后省略了什么】