英语问题excuse me.What did you say just now?I ____(not listen)think可延续吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:07:02

英语问题excuse me.What did you say just now?I ____(not listen)think可延续吗?
英语问题excuse me.
What did you say just now?I ____(not listen)

英语问题excuse me.What did you say just now?I ____(not listen)think可延续吗?
was not listening
think可延续 如i am thinking 我正在思考,she has been thinking the question for 3 hours.她已经思考这个问题3个小时了

I didn't hear

I missed it,听漏了。
think 是延续性动词,表情感状态思维。如Ithink you are cute. 我认为你很可爱,就是一个持续的动作,从说这句话起

didnt hear

Excuse me!_____?Are you Lily?A.Who B.Sorry C.Excuse me D.What 英语问题excuse me.What did you say just now?I ____(not listen)think可延续吗? Excuse me!( ) Are you Mr Scott?A.Who B.What C.Yes D.Me 英语中如果你要与陌生人搭话,你该问?() A.What is the matter b .excuse me c.hello d.sorry Excuse me.What's your name? Excuse me,( )what is your name,please?A.but B.and C.or D.then Excuse me .What's _______over there?A.is B./C.this D.that Excuse me!What's the English( )“百万”?A.in B.for C.at D.on 关于excuse me的一个问题.如果一个老外来问路说excuse me时 , 我可不可以说yes ,What can I do for you? 来回答他? Excuse me._______is it now? It's twelve. A.When B.What time C.What D.What color English question(英语问题):-Excuse me,Jim.-( ).A.Hello B.OK C.Yes D.No为什么这样选?___________________________________________为什么不能选其他三个?___________________________________________ A:excuse me!B:------?A:excuse me!B:------?A:How can I get to the Bank of China?A:What B:OK C:Yes D:Hi 单项选择 () what‘s your name?A sorry B excuse me C that boy D tell me 一道英语选择题:-Excuse me,_____________?-I'm looking for my red T-shirt.(选项见下方问题补充)A.What are you doing?B.What are you looking for?本人倒觉得两个选项似乎都可以…… excuse me!()?Are you Mr.Green?Yes.A OK B Yes C What D Sorry为什么不选c what Excuse me,I'm thirsty.Something to drink?_____some coke A.what B.What about C.Like D.Do “借过” 用英语怎么说excuse me? 英语Excuse me where library?中文