1道英语阅读Wang Qian:“If I had one million yuan,I would buy you a palace!Do I have one million yuan?No,I don’t!So I only can spend ten fen on this short message,sending you my best wishes!” Five years ago,the most popular electronic device

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:24:03

1道英语阅读Wang Qian:“If I had one million yuan,I would buy you a palace!Do I have one million yuan?No,I don’t!So I only can spend ten fen on this short message,sending you my best wishes!” Five years ago,the most popular electronic device
Wang Qian:“If I had one million yuan,I would buy you a palace!Do I have one million yuan?No,I don’t!So I only can spend ten fen on this short message,sending you my best wishes!” Five years ago,the most popular electronic device was still a pager.Three years ago,e-mail took its place; Today,SMS—Short Message Service is in fashion,and it is now considered as the 5th media China Mobile says that per second,there are 410 messages being sent.Look around you!People are attentively watching their mobiles.Smiling or sighing,their facial expressions are worth observing.Thumbs are flashing over buttons,bringing happiness to recipients.The humor hidden within limited characters shows how charming language is!When a phenomenon is modified by the word“culture”,the tendency is for it to become fashionable.According to statistics,67% of young people like to “Short” to greet each other.Even the host and hostess today mention that sending TV to 2911 several times.SMS is now linked to internet,to provide more convenience to people.I am very grateful for the progress in telecom because SMS saves much money on my phone bill.Just on the tip of thumb,so much joy can be found!
1:what can people do through SMS?
A:Send messages B:Greet friends
2:What is the best title of the passage?
A:the joy of SMS B Greetings through SMS

1道英语阅读Wang Qian:“If I had one million yuan,I would buy you a palace!Do I have one million yuan?No,I don’t!So I only can spend ten fen on this short message,sending you my best wishes!” Five years ago,the most popular electronic device
1.A ( Short Message Service )
2 A ( Look around you!People are attentively watching their mobiles.Smiling or sighing,their facial expressions are worth observing.Thumbs are flashing over buttons,bringing happiness to recipients.The humor hidden within limited characters shows how charming language is!When a phenomenon is modified by the word“culture”,the tendency is for it to become fashionable.
最后一句:Just on the tip of thumb,so much joy can be found!)

1道英语阅读Wang Qian:“If I had one million yuan,I would buy you a palace!Do I have one million yuan?No,I don’t!So I only can spend ten fen on this short message,sending you my best wishes!” Five years ago,the most popular electronic device uncle wang英语阅读题解析 9上英语阅读理解When the teacher asks a question in class,Wang Xiaobin never raises his hand.The 15-year-old Beijinger always waits for other classmates or the teacher to give the answer.What if answer is wrong? Wang said.Wang is typical amon 汉语拼音wang xie qian用韦氏拼音怎么拼?如题,不要韦氏拼音的用法,只要拼出来wang xie qian就好了 if(*out==*(out 1))putpixel(i,j,1);main()longge,shi,qian,wan,x;ACTIVE_DATABAS 读拼音,写句子qian shi bu wang hou shi zhi shi 这英语是什么意思《wang》 英语wang hi wang英语怎么发音? zuo yi ge wang zhan xu yao duo shao qian?wo tong guo wang zhan mai yi fu zuo sheng yiqing bang mang wo 这个英语作文答案有么   认真阅读Zhang Xialin 写给Dr Wang 的信.假如你是Dr Wang,请根据信中的...这个英语作文答案有么   认真阅读Zhang Xialin 写给Dr Wang 的信.假如你是Dr Wang,请根据 谁有六级英语今年冬天的kao qian da an? If you do not use your arms 英语阅读答案在线等 英语阅读答案 英语完成对话wang fang:wang fang:liu ling,_____________________(1)liu ling:I'm reading something about Olympics.wang fang:why?liu ling:___________________________(2)wang fang:what do volunteers do?liu ling ____________________(3) maybe you are l wang Wang 初三1道英语阅读题! 三道英语阅读,