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CajaSur morning Unicaja and submit a comprehensive proposal to the unions, which are "complicated" the agreement.
Unicaja and CajaSur morning pledged to submit a comprehensive proposal to the u...


CajaSur morning Unicaja and submit a comprehensive proposal to the unions, which are "complicated" the agreement.
Unicaja and CajaSur morning pledged to submit a comprehensive proposal to the union labor agreement at the table of negotiation, which are "difficult" to reach an agreement but expressed its willingness to negotiation.
Industry sources explained to Europa Press that the labor board held today, which will continue tomorrow, the two sides discussed the business proposal presented last Monday, while, cheap kinah, csic unions CCOO and UGT jointly and counter proposals that include inputs on measures included in the adjustment plan and working conditions combined box.
The boxes perceive that unions "will negotiate and achieve labor cost savings necessary for the viability of fusion", so that the entities have agreed to submit a comprehensive proposal tomorrow according to, ffxiv gil, labor unions, once they have known trade union approach.
CCOO y CSIC sources explained to Europa Press that its joint proposal with a basic agreement that is not limited to labor adjustment plan, but the entire set of working conditions of the entity. In the call that will pose "no ERE" and is based on the premise of "voluntary and, Cheap Gaia Gold, universal character of the measures" and provides approval for the salary and social conditions and guarantees for workers in cases of geographical and functional mobility.
Also pose some improvements in labor adjustment measures, so they ask that the early retirement agreement affecting workers over 56 years, so that from 56 to 60 years affected by such early retirement receive 85 percent of wages and from 60 years to 90 percent.
In terms of redundancy situations arise similar to those outlined by the boxes, with compensation of 45 days per year worked and a maximum of 42 monthly payments, and additional quantities as a function of seniority, ranging from $ 10,000 to five years, additional ? 30,000 for workers who take more than 20 years.
In terms of geographical mobility suggest that any transfer of more than 25 km is voluntary and includes a compensation, ranging from 8,000 euros for destinations between 25 and 70 km, and 25,000 euros for more than 130 kilometers, all within a single payment.
Both plants called for APPROVAL wage unification of pension plans.
In that sense, CCOO sources indicated that the parties "want to reach a labor agreement or preliminary agreement with extensive content before tomorrow night, although they acknowledged that the situation is" complicated "and expressed their fear and" uncertainty "that the boxes "make the excuse that no labor agreement has been reached not to complete the merger and to mask a lack of real will of the boxes to complete the fusion."
"We will put all the desire and the whole hog, we have a true commitment to the emergency room but have the boxes and is the responsibility of their senior management, who are the ones with the sword of Damocles, especially the advice of CajaSur" CCOO sources asserted to Europa Press, after which said that the attitude of association "is not intransigent."
This union is "possible" both a labor agreement "full body" and that "meets the premises of the strategic plan andunion representation, where all workers have the same economic perceptions, the same day "as a compromise" bare minimum ".
Sources CCOO union said that the will of all parties and focuses on "being able to reach a labor agreement that will get the synergies arising where there will be no forced redundancies and reach an agreement governing the terms of the future entity .
For his part, sources of CSIC, which acknowledged that the agreement "is difficult, but the swords are still high," said the union "is intended not only minimal agreement to agree more specific, including measures on classification of offices and occupational health measures. "
For his part, sources indicated to Europa Press UGT is "difficult" to reach a labor agreement in the time it is even expected that the agreement "setting out the minimum bases required for the agreement possible."
They explained that their proposal is similar to the above and not only is directed to surplus labor but also for those who remain, and is based on the approval of the system of pay and social conditions.
Thus, provided early retirement for those over 56 years, with fines between 85 and 90 percent of wages, part-time, voluntary geographic mobility from 25 km and the payment of additional amount.
For workers who remain, UGT also request approval of remuneration and working conditions and social conditions, recognition of social benefits and welfare.
Aspromonte Pose
For its part, the union Aspromonte majority in CajaSur, are today, after the new session of the working table for the fusion of the box with Unicaja Cordoba, "equally or more concerned than before, because we are closer to 24 hours D day without labor agreement, "thus rrring to the board of directors on Friday where the two boxes prevention approve the merger.
Speaking to Europa Press, Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Aspromonte, Antonio Luis Cuesta, said he regretted that "the business side has not moved one iota" of the day but today "we appreciate that CCOO y CSIC, for one hand and the other UGT, have submitted proposals, a few weeks after that Aspromonte.
Moreover, "it is also positive that the CCOO and UGT proposals are identical to those of Aspromonte and dry in the most significant chapters, such as early retirement, with the majority union in the box Cordoba are" delighted that you have and trade union unity, as the companions of the CCOO and UGT have followed the line marked by Aspromonte weeks ago ", but not in rrence to withdrawals," because they take for good the 45 working days per year that the company offers "while Aspromonte requests compensation function performed over the years worked.
"There will be no fusion"
These new proposals union, plus that of Aspromonte, "will be presented tomorrow in writing, to negotiate on them within 24 hours remaining" to the advice of Friday, Cuesta coming to the conclusion that "may not sign the agreement work and, if so, there will be no fusion. "
In this regard, the head of Aspromonte stress that "today it has become clear that eitherno labor agreement, or the Council does not approve the proposed merger on Friday, going from there into a difficult territory, on which Cuesta did not dare to make predictions, insisting that "it would be desirable to be reached fusion, but there must be a labor agreement for the achievement of which have yielded so far only unions, while focusing CajaSur weight, so it's time to move the company tab and also yield something. "


