下列英语文章有错的地方加以改正,Dear Lin Tao:You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,Ihave some advice for you and introduce my own studying English way.I often study English by making flashcards.It's ea

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:10:14

下列英语文章有错的地方加以改正,Dear Lin Tao:You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,Ihave some advice for you and introduce my own studying English way.I often study English by making flashcards.It's ea
Dear Lin Tao:
You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,Ihave some advice for you and introduce my own studying English way.
I often study English by making flashcards.It's easy to memorize new words.And I also think watching English magazines also help a little.As for grammar,I think stugying grammar is a great way to learn English.Although it's too boring.
And I think you could join a English club,it can improve your speaking skills.
Good luck!

下列英语文章有错的地方加以改正,Dear Lin Tao:You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,Ihave some advice for you and introduce my own studying English way.I often study English by making flashcards.It's ea
watching English magazines also help a little,help改成helps
I think stugying grammar ,第三个单词笔误吧
stugying grammar is a great way to learn English.Although it's too boring.变成一个句子吧,一般although不会引导一个独立的句子.

You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,I have some advice for you and show you some way of studying English .
I often study English by making flashcards.I...


You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,I have some advice for you and show you some way of studying English .
I often study English by making flashcards.It's easy to memorize new words. And I also think watching English magazines can also help you 。 As for grammar,I think stugying grammar is a great way to learn English although it's too boring.
And I think you could join a English club, it can improve your speaking skills


Don't be worried改为Don't worry
introduce my own studying English way改为introduce you my own studying English way
And I think you could join a English club中的could改为can

下列英语文章有错的地方加以改正,Dear Lin Tao:You said that you had some problems in studying English.Don't be worried,Ihave some advice for you and introduce my own studying English way.I often study English by making flashcards.It's ea 判断下列说法是否正确,错误的加以改正 判断下列推理过程是否正确,错误的加以改正 判断下列句子是否有错,错的请改正 英语作文,有错请改正 找出下列句子错误的地方,并改正.先找出哪里有错,再改正sandy like to ride a bikethey going to the fun fairbobo's birthday is on july fourteenwe like eat cotton candy 请帮我看看这篇英语文章,有问题的地方请加以改正!这是自我介绍,我英语很烂,可能有很多问题,希望能帮我吧语法什么的改正确!hello everyone ,my name is ,i come from jingzhou ,it is a beautiful city and has a 帮忙看一下有没有错的地方 帮忙改正^ω^ 请问下面一段英语文章有错的地方吗 有请改正What are you going to see this weekend?I am going to see the film The Lion King.When is the film?It’s on Friday.Where is the film?It’s at New Times Cinema.Write five words or phrases fo 下列公式变形的过程正确吗?如果不正确,请加以改正. 指出下列操作图的错误之处,并加以改正 有错别字的文章 下面是一学生按照例句,通过想象,以“音乐”为陈述对象仿写的句子,句子中有错别字,也有不恰当的地方.请找出(用符号表示)并加以改正.例句:寓言是一座奇特的桥梁,通过它,又可以从单 你的题目有错,请改正 沪江英语软件上的文章有错吗 判断下列成语是否正确、错的加以改正大伙儿被这(突飞猛进)的意外事件吓呆了.老师在台上津津有味的讲着,我们在下面(娓娓动听)地听着.括号里是有错的成语、两个句子是两道题啊~ 有错的地方请指明! 下列句子中的成语使用有无错误?入有错,清加以改正.1.古往今来,诗人,学者对庐山瀑布的歌颂之作连篇累牍!2.两人无话不谈,有什么意见都能心照不宣地说出来.登山途中,同学们跌倒了又爬起来