
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:42:07


在二十一世纪的中国,电视机已迈入了千家万户,但是随着经济的发展,技术的提高,电脑在二十一世纪成了人们的新宠儿. 二十一世纪是一个充满着竞争的信息时代,电脑使人们的学习和信息交流变得更加得丰富多彩,使知识的获得更加便捷. 有一次老师让我查找一位历史人物的资料,我翻阅了许多的书籍,但还是没有找到所要的资料,真是心急如焚.可是后来上网一查,不出一会,便找到了资料.这次能找到资料,真是多亏了电脑网络呀! 我上一次在电视上看到,有一个村的几十户农民开发资源,种植了好几亩的绿色蔬菜,但是一直没有人来订购出去.一个学电脑的人帮助他们想了个办法,上网找客户.一下子,许多客户都在网上下了定单.没过几天,便把这成堆的蔬菜销售一空.这些蔬菜被放在家中腐烂的命运,被一台小小的电脑所改变了,这是多么的神奇呀! 像上面一样的电脑“事迹”举不胜举.它在公司企业中,在人们的生活中渐渐成为了一个非常重要而必不可缺的工具.但是我们也必须清楚,网络在给我们带来益处的同时,也存在着相当的负面影响. 一些青少年不能正确认识网络,上网白文明不健康,通宵达旦打游戏、聊天,浏览不良信息,沉迷于上网,甚至不顾身体健康,无节制上网.我曾听到过一条消息:一个男生在网吧打游戏,不吃不喝也不休息,可到了第三天早上,因为体力不支而昏倒在地,送到医院抢救.可为时已晚.死因是累死的.我听到这里时候,觉得这是非常不可思议的事.一个好好的人,却为一个虚幻的世界而失去了宝贵的生命. 看到这里,许多人自然而然地觉得网络真是坏呀!可在我看来网络是无法区分好与坏的,重要得是你怎样看待与利用网络了.如果没有正确看待网络便会像那个少年一样,沉迷于上网而无法自拔;如果你能正确利用网络,它便不是一把无形的剑,而是一位好助手. 但是要使每一个人都正确认识网络,我认为教育、管理是关键.一些网吧、游戏室阳奉阴违,明明标有“未成年人不得入内”的醒目字样,可还是有一大批中小学生进出来往.像这样的现象,有关部门可以定期抽查.学校与家长也要对沉迷于网络的少年进行教育和劝戒.还有一些网上的不良信息的发布要加以杜绝和制止. 希望未来的人们上网能看到一个没有不良信息,没有暴力和血腥的游戏,成为一个真正的“健康绿色的网络”.
China in the twenty-first century, television has entered the household, but with the economic development, improvements in technology, computers in the twenty-first century has become the new darling of the people. The 21st century is a full competitive information age, computer enable people to learn and exchange of information have become more colorful, more convenient access to knowledge. Once the teacher let me find a historical figure of the information, I read many books, but still do not find the information, really worried. Afterwards, however, check the Internet, no one will be, will find the information. This information can be found, thanks to a computer network is really it! I last saw on television, there is a village of farmers dozens of development resources, planted several acres of green vegetables, but no one has been ordered out. A person to help them learn computer think of a way to surf the Internet and customers. All of a sudden, many customers are in the Internet under the order. A few days later, he gave it sold out piles of vegetables. These vegetables are rotting on the fate of the family was changed by a small computer, which is how magical it! The same computer as the above "story" goes on. It's business, in people's lives gradually become a very important and indispensable tool. But we must be clear, the network has brought us benefits, but also there is considerable negative impact. Some teenagers can not correctly understand the network, Internet Bai Wenming unhealthy, playing night games, chat, browse adverse information, indulge in the Internet, and even regardless of health, unregulated Internet. I have heard a message: a boy playing games in Internet cafes, eat or drink nor rest, to the third morning, as tired and collapsed to the floor, to the hospital. May be too late. The cause of death is exhausted. I heard this, I felt this is a very strange thing. A good person, but as a fantasy world and lost their lives. See here, many people naturally think the network really bad ah! Network is in my opinion can not distinguish between good and bad, what do you think is important to have and use the network. If there is no correct view of the network will be the same as that boy, addicted to the Internet and can not extricate themselves; if you can properly use the Internet, it will not an invisible sword, but a good assistant. However, to give everyone a correct understanding of the network, I think education, management is the key. Some Internet cafes, game room double face, clearly marked "No entry of minors," the eye-catching words, there are a large number of primary and secondary students can access from. Phenomenon like this, authorities can periodically checks. Schools and parents should indulge in the network of youth education and persuasion. There are also the release of bad information online to be eliminated and stopped. Hope that the future of the Internet, people can not see a bad message, not violent and bloody game, become a truly "healthy green network."

Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water.
Water is found atmosteverywhere. Even i...


Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water.
Water is found atmosteverywhere. Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.
As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a gas.When it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a container. When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel it.
Although about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water. So we should make good use of water on earth.

Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?
