常用的英文简写和缩写就是我看到很多英文歌的歌词里面有简写和缩写 还有 我问的不是关于名词的 而是.比如说.e表示come gonna表示going to之类的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:56:15

常用的英文简写和缩写就是我看到很多英文歌的歌词里面有简写和缩写 还有 我问的不是关于名词的 而是.比如说.e表示come gonna表示going to之类的
就是我看到很多英文歌的歌词里面有简写和缩写 还有 我问的不是关于名词的 而是.比如说.e表示come gonna表示going to之类的

常用的英文简写和缩写就是我看到很多英文歌的歌词里面有简写和缩写 还有 我问的不是关于名词的 而是.比如说.e表示come gonna表示going to之类的
常用词 4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER 2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回) BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢 REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢 ALLRG=过敏 IAC in any case IAE = in any event 无论如何 IAE in any event IANAL I am not a lawyer (also IANAxxx,such as IANACPA) IANALBIPOOTV I am not a lawyer,but I play one on TV IARTPFWTSIOWIM I am repeating this parrot-fashion with out the slightest idea of what it means.IBC inadequate,but cute IBTD I beg to differ.IC = I see 我明白 ICCL - " I Could Care Less" IDGAD I don't give a damn.IDGAS I don't give a shit.IDK I don't know IDK - " I don't know" IHTFP - " I have truly found paradise" (or:I hate this f'n place) IIRC - " If I Recall Correctly" IIRC If I recall correctly IITYWIMWYBMAD If I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink?IITYWTMWYKM If I tell you what this means will you kiss me?IIWM if it were me (mine) ILIWTPCT I love it when the plan comes together ILSHIBAMF I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture!IMBO in my biased opinion IMCAO in my completely arrogant opinion (Use for attracting flames!) IMCO in my considered opinion IME in my experience IMHO = in my humble opinion 依本人愚见 IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion IMO = in my opinion 在我看来 INPO in no particular order IO - " Input Output" As in file IO.IOW = in other words 换句话说 MYOB Mind your own business!NALOPKT Not a lot of people know that.NBD no big deal NFI no friggin' idea NFW no fucking way NH - " Nice Hand" NIMBY not in my back yard NIT = night 晚上 NNTP - " Network News Transfer Protocol" NOS(Network Operate System) :网络操作系统.NRN = no reply necessary 不必回答 NS(Network Service) :网络服务.NTL nevertheless NTP - " Network Time Protocol" NTTAWWT not that there's anything wrong with that NY = New York 纽约 O.K.- abbreviation of " oll korrect" OAO over and out OATUS on a totally unrelated subject OAUS on an unrelated subject OBTW oh,by the way OIC Oh ,I see .我明白了.OTOH = on the other hand 另一方面 OTOOH on the other other hand OTT over the top OTTH on the third hand OTTOMH off the top of my head OTTOMHAROOB off the top of my head and rolling out of bounds OTW on the whole THOT = thought 思想 TIA - " The Internet Adaptor" TIA = thanks in advance

常用的英文简写和缩写就是我看到很多英文歌的歌词里面有简写和缩写 还有 我问的不是关于名词的 而是.比如说.e表示come gonna表示going to之类的 常用的英文缩写 清洁工英文简写两个字的缩写 常用的英文缩写常用科学单位的英文缩写就是科学的单位名称,像体积=V 谁能给我一些常用的英文缩写 “医疗器械”的英文简称我要的是简写也就是缩写, 摩羯座的缩写RT 我就摩羯座的英文简写 一定要对啊 “推荐人”英文是什么?简写/缩写是什么?我需要“推荐人”的简写或缩写,就比如 ads 是广告的意思,难道只能用r表示吗?呵呵 助理设计师英文简写是助理设计师的英文缩写 forever简写还有承诺 和誓言英文缩写 我需要在魔兽里的所有英文简写~比如就是 DK BM SKY 还有很多~DK BM我都知道 就是说 建筑物的 还有些英雄的 世界上常用货币的英文缩写求英文缩写.越多越好 ad 和 ads 都是“广告”的英文缩写,这两种缩写形式中哪一种最为常用? 求解英语聊天室缩写英文在英语聊室里很多聊客都喜欢把一些常规英文简化,如halo/u/r.u/arl...等等,请问这类简化英文有什么具体标准吗?请帮帮忙列举一些较常用的简写英文?谢谢! 英语的简写,缩写 液压工具的英文简写?液压的英文是:hydraulic 工具的英文是:tools,液压工具的英文是:Hydraulic tool 我就是问下,液压和液压工具的英文简写是什么? 缩写或者简写的英文怎么表达?除了ABBRIVIATION. 公顷的英文简写/缩写如:千克=kg