有没有人能帮忙翻译一篇英文文章,不要用软件Every year a couple of things rise to the top of the “must have” list, becoming the season’s popular gifts. Hundreds of people line up outside stores, hoping to buy the gifts. Such gi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:18:35

有没有人能帮忙翻译一篇英文文章,不要用软件Every year a couple of things rise to the top of the “must have” list, becoming the season’s popular gifts. Hundreds of people line up outside stores, hoping to buy the gifts. Such gi
Every year a couple of things rise to the top of the “must have” list, becoming the season’s popular gifts. Hundreds of people line up outside stores, hoping to buy the gifts. Such gifts are examples of social epidemics---cases when many people do the same thing at the same time. Why do we end up with the same presents? It could be that the popular gifts are simply better than the rest. But more likely, a gift’s popularity is random.
  People’s shopping behavior is not independent. Our behavior depends on the behavior of those around us. This influences both what people talk about and what they buy. Conversations are often driven to the common ground, so we talk about celebrities (like Lady Gaga), the weather or the local sports team. When it comes to the presents we are buying, we tend to bring up the things we think others have heard of.  Social influence leads us to buy what other people buy. Some scientists recently did an experiment. In the study, people visited a website where they could listen to songs and download them for free. Some people were given information about what previous site visitors had downloaded, and this led to convergence : People tended to download songs others had chosen. In addition, participants in the experiment were divided into eight groups and could see the previous downloads only people of their own group. What the researchers found was powerful. Across the separate groups, the songs that became “hits” were greatly different. The top song in one social world was a failure in another. Why? Well, if people imitate others, then whatever gets an early advantage in popularity is likely to stand out.   As with these “hit” songs, the popular gifts depend less on their qualities but more on human psychology.So as you stand in long line trying to get whatever it is that everyone else seems to want this year, stop to realize that this may have less to do with the gift and more about our instinct.And remember that whoever you are giving the present to may be just as happy with something else.

有没有人能帮忙翻译一篇英文文章,不要用软件Every year a couple of things rise to the top of the “must have” list, becoming the season’s popular gifts. Hundreds of people line up outside stores, hoping to buy the gifts. Such gi
人们购物的行为往往不是独立的.我们的行为往往取决于周遭的人.这些硬性会来自于他们谈论了什么和他们购买了什么.谈话往往是基于一个共同的话题,如我们都谈论名人(像Lady Gaga)、天气或地方体育团队.当话题来到购买什么礼物时,我们倾向于谈论其他人可能听过的东西.社会影响导致我们购买别人会买的东子.一些科学家近期有做一项实验.在研究中,人们可以访问一个网站,在该网站上,他们可以听歌并免费下载.一些人会给出之前浏览网站的人会下哪些歌曲的信息,而且这些信息会有聚合效应:人们会下载之前那些人下载过的歌曲.此外,该项试验的参与者被分为8组,且只能够看到他们这组人之前下载过的歌曲.研究人员的发现令人震惊.纵观各组,每组的“主打歌”都截然不同.在一个社会范围内的“冠军金曲”在另一个社会范围内就无法称霸,这是为什么呢?如果人们会模仿其他人,那么较早出现任何事物都可能脱颖而出.从这些“主打歌曲”可以看出,礼物之所以流行很少是因为其品质卓越,更多是人们的心里因素导致流行的.所以当你排这长龙尝试购买其他人在今年看似也想得到的东西时,停止认为这个东西有多么出色,更多的是我们的本能.并且记住,得到这个礼物的朋友对它的喜爱之情与其他任何东西是一样的.







有没有人能帮忙翻译一篇英文文章,不要用软件Every year a couple of things rise to the top of the “must have” list, becoming the season’s popular gifts. Hundreds of people line up outside stores, hoping to buy the gifts. Such gi 能帮忙翻译一篇文章么,2000字的英文? 求一篇 地心吸引力 的观后感 要求 英语的 有没有人能帮忙啊字数不要太多 有个大纲就行了 有没有人帮忙翻译一下 abdelkaderhanaamostafaabdelmon 因为单词连在一起,有没有人能不能帮忙翻译出,这串英文的意思. 有没有人能帮忙翻译一下这段英语视频 有人能帮忙写一篇影评吗?英文的 谁能帮忙翻译一篇英语文章 不是用翻译器翻译的 英语翻译关于:英语(新标准)教师用书 第七册(供三年级起始用),这本书50~58页的几篇英文文章好难...有没有人能帮我翻译呀? ”还有没有人”?用英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译我有一篇中文文章 想找一位英语高手帮忙翻译成英文 但不要用翻译软件 那样我也会 如果可以帮忙的话请留下联系方式 我发给你 急用!527579693@qq.com 这是我的邮箱 如果可以帮忙的话 帮忙找2篇英文文章 不要太长帮忙找几篇英文文章 不要太长 不要太复杂最好象新概念第二册那种最好有翻译 不过不要把新概念直接复制过来 有没有人能帮忙PS一下4级成绩单, 英语翻译这是一篇英文文献,毕业忙工作,没时间翻译.希望有材之人用自己的话翻译,不要到网上去COPY. 帮忙写篇英文介绍mp5的文章,有多少分给多少分!大约300字左右!用软件翻译的就不要添麻烦了哈~` 急需一篇关于该不该给自己留后路的文章有没有人能提供一条关于该不该给自己留后路的文章? 我发一句中文有没有人帮我翻译英文? At the charity stripe有人见过以这个为题目的英文文章么?见过帮忙传上来...能翻译更好...