英语风采大赛英语才艺表演的内容 1分钟最好是唱歌或者讲故事的,上次比赛老师说才艺表演太多,最好再加一点自己的东西,或者结合一下是最好的,超过就不行了,1分钟.最好表演内容是有点内

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:28:34

英语风采大赛英语才艺表演的内容 1分钟最好是唱歌或者讲故事的,上次比赛老师说才艺表演太多,最好再加一点自己的东西,或者结合一下是最好的,超过就不行了,1分钟.最好表演内容是有点内
英语风采大赛英语才艺表演的内容 1分钟

英语风采大赛英语才艺表演的内容 1分钟最好是唱歌或者讲故事的,上次比赛老师说才艺表演太多,最好再加一点自己的东西,或者结合一下是最好的,超过就不行了,1分钟.最好表演内容是有点内
A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?"
and God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says:
"a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second"
Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. Above all, I wanna express my happiness and gratitude to you. My Chinese name is XX, English name is XX, 19.
Last years I went to XXXX High School, a key high school in XX Province. The campus life there gave me a good English learning atmosphere. English movies and songs would be offered in my Chinese English teacher’s class and my foreign English teacher would play the guitar and play games with us. Our English class was always full of happiness. But I didn’t make good use of the teaching resources. I was too shy to speak out or talk to my English teachers.
One day, my head teacher said to me: “You are a large piece of wood.”“I’m a large piece of wood?” I was confused totally. “Yes. The wood can be used to build a tall building; can be a pillar to support a Palace; can be shaped into a piece of art.” I was very surprised,because I didn’t know I was such a boy in his eyes.
He told me these words more than one year ago and now I’m a freshman, a young man. I have read the book “The Call of the Wild” written by Jack London. The magnificent dog Buck is a loyal pet. But Buck finds the blood of his wolf ancestors rising within him and breaks free to roam the Alaskan wilderness. I know what my weakness is. I’m a shy man lacking in “animal spirits”——brave, active, persistent.
There is no doubt that I need change. It's time to start to live the life I've imagined. I never know what I can till I try, who knows. So I get up my courage to seize the chance to show myself here. The road which leads to change is tough. Maybe I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. That’s all, thank you.
这个有点长,可能在一分钟内没办法完全说完,你需要根据自己的实际情况和演讲速度自己调整、删减一部分内容.其实类似这样的英语比赛重要的是参与其中,听说读写几个模式中最重要的就是说,当你能完整准确地表达自己的意思的时候也就会带动其他几个方面一并提升,而且这样的活动也能培养自己学习英语的兴趣.JUST ENJOY IT~

英语风采大赛的才艺表演才艺表演能不能两个参赛者一起表演段英语相声? 希望之星英语风采大赛的才艺表演 英语风采大赛英语才艺表演的内容 1分钟最好是唱歌或者讲故事的,上次比赛老师说才艺表演太多,最好再加一点自己的东西,或者结合一下是最好的,超过就不行了,1分钟.最好表演内容是有点内 才艺展示--------表演一个英文故事(一个人)适合六年级的.1分钟左右急呀,我参加英语风采大赛,有个才艺展示.我选择讲英文故事,注上中文翻译. 英语风采大赛2分钟才艺表演.急用!故事,笑话,歌曲都可以啦!还有,我是一个有趣的女孩用英语怎么说 希望英语才艺表演可以讲英语小故事吗如题希望之星英语风采大赛.. 希望英语风采大赛怎样的出场秀比较好?(初中组)要求才艺表演和自我介绍相结合. 英语才艺表演,要英文的1-2分钟的 英语风采大赛演讲稿1分钟 要积极向上的 急—英语风采大赛才艺展示(高中组)要表演什么才好啊 给给建议 单位要组织英语风采大赛,不知道才艺表演要准备什么节目比较好,急用, 参加希望之星英语风采大赛 才艺展示 要创新的是英语的 蓝宇英语风采大赛才艺展示唱英文歌行不行 我进入了校英语风采大赛决赛,需要一段三分钟的英语才艺展示,我唱歌跳舞都不行,表演什么比较好呢?这是第一个环节,由大众评审投票淘汰两名选手,请问什么才艺会比较适合呢? 谁能告诉我一段英语自我介绍?我要参加泡泡少儿英语风采大赛,要有30秒、一分钟的自我介绍,想两段!对了还有一分钟和两分钟的英语才艺展示,我要演讲故事, 希望英语风采大赛演讲稿2分钟以内,再给个英语笑话最好别抄别人的 笑话或英语诗都行,就是英语的才艺展示 希望英语风采大赛3月27日名单和一分钟英语幽默小故事希望英语风采大赛的名单,一分钟英语幽默小故事 希望之星英语风采大赛初中组才艺展示演什么好?