百分求翻译,英翻中,求助达人~~What happens once these stressed and often underprepared students experience college? A Web search of the words "college students," "anxiety," and "depression" produced over 45,000 hits. Two Web sites illustrat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 00:37:55

百分求翻译,英翻中,求助达人~~What happens once these stressed and often underprepared students experience college? A Web search of the words "college students," "anxiety," and "depression" produced over 45,000 hits. Two Web sites illustrat
What happens once these stressed and often underprepared students experience college? A Web search of the words "college students," "anxiety," and "depression" produced over 45,000 hits. Two Web sites illustrate the poignancy and impact of depression and anxiety on the lives of students: CampusBlues.com and TrappedMinds.org.

While many students may have bad days or bad moods, depression is more complex. Silverman (2004) cites a Center for Disease Control (2002) survey which found that depression, to the extent that it interfered with typical daily activities for two or more weeks, was reported by 28.3% of college students. Female students are more likely than male students to experience serious depression (Silverman, 2004). Young (2004) indicates that the rate of depression among college students rose almost five per cent in just the past four years, with 38% of these students on antidepressant medication and over 25% in therapy (p. A37).

Student anxiety is high as well. Nationally, over 25% of college students say they are overwhelmed ( Higher Education Research Institute 2002). Levine & Cureton (1998) note that "in general, students are coming to college overwhelmed and more damaged than those of previous years" (p. 95).

Another change noted on college campuses is the number of students entering already taking psychotropic medications. Gallagher, Gill, & Sysko (2000) remark that almost all directors of counseling centers surveyed noted this increase.

What causes these trends? Kadison & DeGeronimo (2004) suggest that in addition to the normal developmental concerns of traditional-aged college students (identity development issues, changes in lifestyle and living arrangements, relationship transitions, etc.), today's students are pressured to get good grades, hold down jobs, and become involved in college life. Coping with the financial realities of a college education is also extremely stressful for many. For some minority, international, first-generation, or immigrant students, college may mean dealing with new forms of discrimination, a lack of role models, family expectations, and challenges in daily living activities.

Are today's students really more disturbed than those in years past? The simple answer is yes, but in addition to a higher occurrence of mental health concerns, other factors may be at play. Silverman (2004) suggests that improved diagnosis, assessment, earlier intervention, and decreased stigma toward mental illness account for some of the increases. These factors may bring students to college who might not previously considered postsecondary education as an option. It also is important to remember that some mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, have early adult- on-set that will affect this population (DSM-IV-TR, 2000).

百分求翻译,英翻中,求助达人~~What happens once these stressed and often underprepared students experience college? A Web search of the words "college students," "anxiety," and "depression" produced over 45,000 hits. Two Web sites illustrat
一旦那些饱受压力且尚无准备的学生开始大学生活,会是什么样呢?在网上输入“大学生”、“焦虑”、“失望”,有多达45,000项搜索结果.CampusBlues.com 和 TrappedMinds.org这两个网站都专注于研究失望和焦虑给学生生活带来的不幸和其它影响.
然而,好多学生或许日子过得更差,心情更糟,他们的失望心理也更为复杂.Silverman (2004)援引疾病控制中心2002有关学生失望心理的研究的例子说,28.3%的大学生在两周多的日常活动都有受此情绪干扰的现象.女生比男生的失望程度更严重(Silverman,2004).Young 在2004年指出,失望率在过去的四年中上升了5%,这些学生中有38%服用了抗抑郁药物,有25%的参与了治疗.
学生的焦虑程度也很高.从全国来看,超过25%的大学生说他们有压抑感(高等教育研究中心,2002).Levine & Cureton 在1998年指出,“总的来看,学生们正在进入有压抑感的大学,这对他们的危害要比前些年更大.”(95页)
大学校园中另一个值得关注的变化是大学生服用精神药物的人数.Gallagher,Gill,& Sysko 指出(2000),几乎所有的咨询中心的领导者都在提到这种变化.
是什么引发了这种变化趋势?Kadison & DeGeronimo 在2004年提出,除了正常的大龄学生的成长性焦虑,如,身体发展,生活方式和活动,关系变迁等,现在的学生还经受着升学、就业和参与学校活动的焦虑.大学教育的解决财政困境对于各个方面来说也都很大的压力.对于那些大学生中的少数民族、国际学生、第一代移民,大学可能是存在新的歧视的地方,他们既缺乏角色感,家庭期望,又缺乏日常活动.
当今的学生真的比过去的学生更受困扰吗?答案很简单,“是的”.除了心理健康忧虑症的高发,其它因素或许也在起作用.Silverman (2004)认为,业已提高的诊断和评估,早期干预,日益恶化的心理疾病的恶名也是这种病症高发的原因.这些因素可能随着之前不计划选择大学的,中等教育毕业后的学生进入到大学.值得一提的是,有些心理疾病,例如,精神分裂症和双极障碍,都会对他们早熟行为有影响.(DSM-IV-TR,2000).