
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:57:10


达州市属亚热带湿润季风气候类型.由于地形复杂,区域性气候差异大.海拔800米以下的低山、丘陵、河谷地区气候温和,冬暖、春早、夏热、秋凉,四季分明,无霜期长;海拔800至1000米的低、中山气候温凉、阴湿,回春迟,无酷暑,秋凉早,冬寒长;海拔1000米以上的中山区,光热资源不足,寒冷期较长,春寒和秋霜十分突出.全市热量资源丰富,雨热同期,全年平均气温14.7度-17.6度之间,无霜期300天左右.全市雨量充沛,年平均雨量在1076至1270毫米之间.春季多寒潮低温天气,夏季多伏旱和洪涝、大风、冰雹,秋季多连绵阴雨.Dazhou city humid subtropical monsoon climate types.Because of topography,regional climate variations.An elevation of 800 meters below the low mountains,hills,valley mild weather in winter,chunzao,summer heat,Chiu-Liang,four seasons,long frost-free period; 800-1000 m above sea level low,Zhongshan climate温凉,damp,Hui Chi without heat,early Chiu-Liang,Chang-donghan; more than 1000 meters above sea level in mountainous areas,lack of light and heat resources,long periods of time,the cold,cold and very prominent-qiushuang.Resource-rich city of heat,rain hot Over the same period,annual mean temperature of 14.7 degrees -17.6 degrees,frost-free period of about 300 days.Rainfall throughout the city,at an average annual rainfall between 1076-1270 mm.Many low-temperature cold spring weather of late summer and the many summer floods,high winds,hail,rain fell across the fall of many.