帮忙写两个英文小作文第一个题目是my dream,就写做的一个梦,要写出创造力,想象力,但是还得真实.不用太长,300字就可以,内容要积极的-.高中水平就可以第二个是living with new media ,要求跟第一个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:21:32

帮忙写两个英文小作文第一个题目是my dream,就写做的一个梦,要写出创造力,想象力,但是还得真实.不用太长,300字就可以,内容要积极的-.高中水平就可以第二个是living with new media ,要求跟第一个
第一个题目是my dream,就写做的一个梦,要写出创造力,想象力,但是还得真实.不用太长,300字就可以,内容要积极的-.高中水平就可以
第二个是living with new media ,要求跟第一个一样.就写Internet,Facebook,electronic的东西就可以.
话说,1l的亲,那个,我们那题目是一个梦,不是一个梦想- -、、这个我们回来还得做视频。所以什么希望工程的就扯远了吧- -

帮忙写两个英文小作文第一个题目是my dream,就写做的一个梦,要写出创造力,想象力,但是还得真实.不用太长,300字就可以,内容要积极的-.高中水平就可以第二个是living with new media ,要求跟第一个

If I was a magician, then, the life will be more beautiful, always full of mysterious colour. I want to become a large sum of money donated to the hope project, build a hope primary school let those w...


If I was a magician, then, the life will be more beautiful, always full of mysterious colour. I want to become a large sum of money donated to the hope project, build a hope primary school let those who because of poor have no money to ShanLiWa, can sit xinxin peace cut new bright classroom. In school, I often go to see them, and together they develop significant class team activities, let them show, singing, dancing and playing games. They can also like our children in the city, can good good study, day day up, grew up to be useful for the motherland, our motherland.
Handicapped young friends, although their disabled, but their hearts are healthy, they are also keen and our normal people happy study and life. If I was a magician, I want to give people happiness. I want to all blind people, a pairs of bright eyes, let them also can see the colorful world, see the beautiful land of our country. I want to become a deaf-mute pay moving to sing party, golden voice singing singing our motherland, happy life today. I want to all members of the disabled person on strong limbs, and we enjoy sports. I want to put all the people of the pain, full of human happiness became.
Dear friends, if the young, I really was a magician, I will take our country into a prosperous modern countries around the world, I want to become peaceful and beautiful family, I want to become rich and colorful universe of mankind. You will also think so.
Now in the 21st century is an era of digital technology, is a full time, and the future of the Internet, strong technical trend, it makes the information devices will be ubiquitous, it will greatly improve our ability to communicate.
The computer is a great product, is the crystallization of the wisdom of human development and progress of the society, is the best proof. The computer now become an indispensable part of life, it's everywhere in our life, and constantly, big companies, small shops, hospitals, schools, Banks, etc, you can find it anywhere, today is the ordinary computers into the house. We definitely can say the 21st century world is the world of the Internet.


帮忙写两个英文小作文第一个题目是my dream,就写做的一个梦,要写出创造力,想象力,但是还得真实.不用太长,300字就可以,内容要积极的-.高中水平就可以第二个是living with new media ,要求跟第一个 给我一个英文作文题目是 My favorite festival. 帮忙写一个半命题作文,题目是第一次________”是帮忙写作文.不是起题目、 帮忙写一篇英语作文,题目是《My dream birthday》,这次的作文有点麻烦,没有提纲,只有一个题目:《My dream birthday》,所以得让各位费点心思啦 ,请作者语句通顺,英文的最好是在100—150字之内的,200 以《My day》为题目写一个英语小作文以《My day》为题目写一个至少10句话的小作文 帮忙写一篇初三英语作文题目是“My view on happiness” 60-80字左右 帮忙写英语作文,题目是《My Children's Day》 要用将来时,60个词以上 帮忙弄作文提纲...帮忙写 4个题目的提纲。。。我很着急的哦。。。第一个题目是 选择。第二个题目是 礼物。第三个题目是 让第四个题目是 变这四个题目。。。帮忙一下拉。。。我很急 帮忙写一个小学的english的作文.题目是My favourite shape.拜托了!不要生词.全是小学的词拜托了~要6句话哦~ 大家帮忙写篇作文题目是《开学第一周》 400字 帮忙写一篇英文的作文,题目是一件尴尬的事情,急用, 写一个题目为‘my family rules’的英语小作文 这一场似曾相识 :用英语怎么说急!是小说的题目要英文的题目怎么写啊大家帮忙~ 帮忙弄一篇英语作文题目是:My pleasant journey. 请大神们帮忙写一个作文题目是读书的体会500字 作文是 传递____ 我想写和朋友坚持不懈练习跑步 帮忙想一个题目吧 Write a few senteneces about your favorite animal.帮忙写篇英语作文啊.题目是My Favorite Animal 请帮忙写一下80个单词英语作文,题目是My deskmate(我的同桌)要快!快.