请问这句英语是什麼意思?we should dinner soon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 01:45:14

请问这句英语是什麼意思?we should dinner soon
we should dinner soon

请问这句英语是什麼意思?we should dinner soon



请问这句英语是什麼意思?we should dinner soon We are good friend and I wish our friendship have 1314happinesszhe请问这句英语什么意思? 请问这句英语话是什么中文意思呢?I think we need to decide when I should be at Beijing first,right? 请问这句英语什么意思,要精准we live in a time when,more than ever before in history,people are moving. 英语句子根据下列句子要求填空根据首字母及句子意思填空Don't be i_____ by the bad boy2.We must learn to s____ our problems by ourselves3.A soldier must do his d_____ 4.We can learn to r____ our problems as c______5.We shoul Listen and number 请问这句英语的意思? 请问“The die is cast这句英语什么意思? 请问这句英语的正确意思?best regard 请问这句英语的意思 We believe we have it ultimo next.ultimo 字典查询的就不用贴过来了。我希望能知道整句的意思。we have it ultimo next背景事件为:我们向丹麦订了一台机器。但是目前还不能交货。 how often should we take the medicine for a child?这句英语的意思? 请问这句意思we would like to pay you for previous work and this one together. Think about space travel.Make a list of what we have and haven't done请问这句什么意思 We should make it according to schedule请问这句属于什么句型·?是啥意思 we finished we are over 想知道这句英语的意思,有人能翻译下,好给那些不懂的人知道意思. 请你们帮我看一下我这篇英语作文有没有错误的地方.有错误的话请告诉我怎么改,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx【Just the sentence.】This sentence is very funny,right?But it tell us many valuable things.For example,it tell us,we shoul 请问这句英语有语法错误吗?是什么意思?Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves. 这句英语啥意思? 这句英语中文意思