英语有个问题看不懂,请指教Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight,just as had many prev

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:29:57

英语有个问题看不懂,请指教Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight,just as had many prev
Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the
1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight,just as
had many previous attempts,dating well back before the First World War,to link images with
recorded sound.These critics were making a common assumption—that the technological
inadequacies of earlier efforts (poor synchronization,weak sound amplification,fragile sound
recordings) would invariably occur again.To be sure,their evaluation of the technical flaws in 1920s
sound experiments was not so far off the mark,yet they neglected to take into account important
new forces in the motion picture field that,in a sense,would not take no for an answer.
首先 我问的是 as just had many attemps ,我想问的是 just as 的用法是什么?
为什么后面可以接上一个 had (过去分词形式)
just as 后面一般接什么?
然后 我 不懂得是 not so far off the mark
最后 that,in a sense,would not take no for an answer.
that 在这里引导的是什么从句,修饰前面句子的什么部分

英语有个问题看不懂,请指教Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight,just as had many prev
just as在这里是一个词组,正如...
此处的had用的是过去式,而不是过去分词,它与前面的would soon fade sight.时态是并列的.
just as后面可以接一个完整的句子.
that在这里引导的是定语从句,(in a sense 是一个插入语)主要修饰的是前面的field.

just as 如同,好像。用在前后所提及的事物有类似之处。
这些批评家普遍认为- 早期工作的技术不足部分(同步效果,扩音,录音效果)一定会再次出现。当然,他们对有声电影中技术缺陷的评价也不是完全...


just as 如同,好像。用在前后所提及的事物有类似之处。
这些批评家普遍认为- 早期工作的技术不足部分(同步效果,扩音,录音效果)一定会再次出现。当然,他们对有声电影中技术缺陷的评价也不是完全不准确。但是他们忘了考虑一点,那就是在某种意义上说电影领域的新势力是不会轻易放弃的。
off the mark 是个词组表示不相关,不准确。so是如此。far这里是程度副词。
no take no for an answer.不把“不”作为答案。引申意:不轻易放弃。
take into account. 这里考虑的就是后面那些了。
后面那些完整的应该是:important new forces in the action movie field would no take no for an answer.


英语有个问题看不懂,请指教Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight,just as had many prev 英语高后~是关于英语语法的问题 有个句子 我看不懂 多多指教~Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective,a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that wo 新手 看不懂 请指教! 英语翻译我不会英语的 有想学 有看不懂 请大家多多指教~是不是代表 动词 名词 这些? 证明函数极限不存在,答案已给出,有一步看不懂请指教! 高数,线性代数的问题,请大师指教线性方程组在什么情况下无解,什么情况下有无穷多个解.下面例题除了,能看懂有唯一解外,其他都看不懂 有个问题请指教:Here comes the bus.与Here he comes.这两个句子哪个对呀?请简要作说明. although和though的区别英语问题 佛家的 根性 百度百科 的解释看不懂.请指教 这印章怎么写着?看不懂.请高手指教, 奇诺之旅看不懂,到底有什么含义呀?高手请指教一下,有兴趣的话一篇一篇说更好!11 量子力学中,在x表象中求p的矩阵元,其中有个数学上的小问题,请高手指教.见下图 我有急用,请指教~ 我想各位请教个问题啊就是长X高X宽把它换成平方米请指教我是想把立方换成平方怎么算请指教 what is the difference between ALTHOUGH and THOUGH?detaills thank you.但是我希望是白话文的...我脑子不好用,看不懂。最好有个直接的例句。 下图有多少个正方形?答案是44个,请指教. 看不懂 求指教 怎么区别treat.as和regard.as我是个英语初学者,请多多指教!