
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:59:31


Enterprise Resource Planning
企业资源计划,综合商业管理系统 (包括所有方面以及有效计划和管理业务所需的计算机化管理方法)

<美>欧洲复兴计划(即马歇尔计划)(European Recovery Program)
企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)

Enterprise Resource Planning, 企业资源计划

Enterprise Resource Planning, 企业资源计划
<美>欧洲复兴计划(即马歇尔计划)(European Recovery Program)

要看上文的,一般指Enterprise Resource Planning=企业资源计划,其它涵义包括:
Editorial Review Process
Ecosystem Restoration Project
Expertise to Provide
Economic Recovery Plan
Edilizia Residenziale Pubbli...


要看上文的,一般指Enterprise Resource Planning=企业资源计划,其它涵义包括:
Editorial Review Process
Ecosystem Restoration Project
Expertise to Provide
Economic Recovery Plan
Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica
Experts and Professionals
Explores the Process
Employees Retirement Plan
Equipment Replacement Program
Emergency Response Procedures
Emissions Reduction Plan
Extramural Research Program
Emission Reduction Program
Emissions Reduction Project
Estimated Resident Population
Education Research Program
Emission Reduction Plan
Employee Recognition Programs
experience rating plan
Estimated Retail Pricing
Economic Report of the President
Employee Retention Plan
Engineer and Produce
Exterior Routing Protocol
Emmaus Road Publishing
education reimbursement program
Event Related Potentials
Ecosystem Research Program
Emergency Rehabilitation Project
Environmental Restoration Projects
Employee Referral Programs
Emergency Reconstruction Project
Ecosystem Restoration Plan
Educational Resources Program
Energy Research Partnership
Expedited Removal Process
Earthquake Response Plan
Estate Recovery Program
Early Registration Program
Early Retirement Programme
Environmental Resource Policy
Employment Rights Project
Economic Reform Programmes
European Reference Point
Environmental Rehabilitation Project
Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo
Energy Retrofit Program
Environmental Remediation Program
Educational Radio Program
Extended Repayment Plans
Education Reform Proposals
Emergency Response Planning
Extended Reporting Periods
Emergency Response Plans
Equity Risk Premiums
Erscheint in Proceedings
Economic Recovery Programs
Evaluation Review Panel
Elicited in Response
European Recycling Platform
Equalization Receiving Provinces
Effective Rates of Protection
engineering review process
Emergency Response Program
Econometric Research Program
Effective Rate of Protection
Environmental Resource Permits
Exposure Response Prevention
Emergency Repair Program
Expenditure Restraint Program
Entreprise Ressource Planning
Entreprise Resource Planning
Environmental Resource Permitting
Economic Recovery Programmes
Equity Residential Properties
Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography
Emergency Recovery Procedures
Electronic Return Preparer
Emergency Reconstruction Programme
Emergency Residence Project
Economic Recovery Programme
Education Reform Program
External Research Program
Expert Resource Person
Economic Reconstruction Programme
Earned Release Program
Emergency Response Personnel
Earthquake Recovery Program
Ecosystem Restoration Program
Example on Receipt
Economic Reports of the President
Employment Readiness Program
Equivalent Radiated Power
Encyclopedia of the Roman Provinces
Ernest Rutherford Physics
Error Recovery Procedures
Education for Rural People
Employment Regeneration Partnership
Equatorial Rotation Period
Eligibility Review Program
Experts at the Panel
Electrical Resistance Probes
Environmental Research Program
Estuaries Research Programme
Education Recognition Program
Enteprise Resource Planning
Estimated Retail Prices
Expert Reviewers Panel
Education Rights Project
Evoked Response Potentials
Enhanced Resolution Printing
Expedited Review Program
Evaluation Rurale Participative
Essex Rural Partnership
Early Release Program
Electrical Resistivity Probe
Economic Relief Program
Emerging Renewables Program
Early Release Patch
Economic Reform Programme
Exclusive Referral Program
Elizabeth River Project
Engineered Rubber Products
Effective Radiation Power
Evening Reporting Program
Education of Rural People
Envelope Return Path
External Resources and Partnerships
Eradication of Poverty
Endpoint Routing Protocol
Endoscopy Replacement Parts
Established Role Players
Edinburgh Research Project
Elite Role Players
Education Resource Panel
Emergency Reconstruction Program
effective radiated powers
Estimated Resident Populations
Electronic Records Program
Easy Remote Programmer
Edinburgh Research Partnership
Early Retirement Program
Edwards to Provide
concentration-effective refractory period
early retirement pension
effective reabsorption pressure
effective reabsorptive pressure
Eledoisin related peptide
eledoisin-related peptide
encapsulation-relating protein
endoscopic retrograde pancreaticography
Endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram
endoscopic retrograde pancreatographic
endurance running performance
energy rich phosphates
ets-related protein
event related-potential
event-related potential
event-related procedure
evoked related potentials
exercise rehabilitation program
Extractable-respirable particulate
European Review of Philosophy
Effective Radiative Power
expedited review process
Environmental Repair Program
Economic Reform Programs
Emission Rate Potential
Emergency Recovery Programme
Euro Retail Payment
Error Recovery Protocols
Experience in the Proceedings
Employee Referral Programmes
Earthquake Response Programme
Engineering Recruitment Program
effective renal plasma flow
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography
Energy Resource Planning
estrogen receptor protein determinations
event related brain potential
event related brain potentials
event-related brain potential
event-related brain potentials
event-related brain-potential
event-related cortical potentials
event-related electrical potential
event-related electrical potentials
event-related electroencephalographic potential
event-related evoked potential
event-related evoked potentials
event-related" evoked potential
exposure and ritual prevention
exposure with response prevention
Electric Reliability Panel
Egg Reappearance Period
Expert Reference Panel
Ejercito Revolucionario Popular
Enforcement Response Policies
Enhanced Rate Program
Engine Reliability Program
Emergency Restoration Plans
Employer Reimbursement Plan
Extended Rate Physical
Edgewater Rogers Park
Early Release Patches
Extensive Reading Programmes
Endoplasmic Reticulum Proteins
Economic Review Process
electric brain potentials
event related response
postendoscopic retrograde pancreatography
ventricular refractory period
Economic Reconstruction Project
Eligibility Reconsideration Policy
Economic Rehabilitation Programme
Equal Remuneration Principles
Event Releated Potential
Effects as Revealed by PET
Elegant Role Playing
Effective Refractory Periods
Environmental Results Programs
exegetic resource planning
ECommerce for Ports
Eppawala Rock Phosphate
English Regional Policy
Environmental Research Project
The refractory period
the renal pyramids
we reviewed pancreatograms
Emergency Response Packages
Environmental Resources Permitting
Exercise Right Privileges
Emerged as the Panacea
Error Reduction Parameter
Establishment Reporting Plan
Estimates of Resident Populations
Education Reconstruction Project
Education Reform Project
Error Recovery Program
Ethics Review Panel
Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
Equipment Redeployment Program
Experienced Resources Proven
Electrocortical Responses to Positive
Emergency Recovery Project
Emergency Resource Plan
Energy Resources Program
Entry Revision Project
