英语 脑袋急转弯小兔用几天时间将9只玉米搬完?After the autumn harvest there are nine ears of corn left in Farmer Smith's field.Each night a hungry rabbit sneaks into the field and takes three ears home with him .How many night does

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:25:12

英语 脑袋急转弯小兔用几天时间将9只玉米搬完?After the autumn harvest there are nine ears of corn left in Farmer Smith's field.Each night a hungry rabbit sneaks into the field and takes three ears home with him .How many night does
英语 脑袋急转弯
After the autumn harvest there are nine ears of corn left in Farmer Smith's field.Each night a hungry rabbit sneaks into the field and takes three ears home with him .How many night does it take to get all the corn?

英语 脑袋急转弯小兔用几天时间将9只玉米搬完?After the autumn harvest there are nine ears of corn left in Farmer Smith's field.Each night a hungry rabbit sneaks into the field and takes three ears home with him .How many night does

英语 脑袋急转弯小兔用几天时间将9只玉米搬完?After the autumn harvest there are nine ears of corn left in Farmer Smith's field.Each night a hungry rabbit sneaks into the field and takes three ears home with him .How many night does 小兔妈妈采蘑菇,晴天每天可采16只,雨天每天只能采11只,它一共采了195只,平均每天采13只,这几天中有几天下雨?几天晴天? 用方程 这将花费几天时间的英语怎么说? 说三个脑袋三只翅膀三只爪子的鸟是什么鸟脑筋急转弯问题 三个脑袋三只翅膀三只爪子的鸟是什么鸟? 妈妈带小明到玩具商店,售货员告诉妈妈,买9只小狗的钱可以买8只小猫,买5只小猫的钱可以买6只小兔,问15只小狗的钱能买几只小兔?用比例解, 为什么自行车只有两个轮子脑袋急转弯 玉米用英语怎么说 玉米用英语怎么说 “脑筋急转弯”用英语怎么说? “脑筋急转弯”用英语怎么说? 小兔仙用英语怎么说?小兔仙 用英文怎么翻译? 小兔英语怎么写 怎么用英语说脑袋少根筋如题! 如果用方程解,10分钟内答出,做得对,兔妈妈采回一筐蘑菇,他先拿出9个放在一边,然后把筐里的蘑菇分给每一只小兔.她分给第一只小兔1个和剩下个数的十分之一,又拿给第二只小兔2个和剩下个 英语脑筋急转弯:Why does time fly?(时间为何飞逝) 英语脑筋急转弯,用英语怎么说 “英语脑筋急转弯”用英语怎么翻译 掰玉米用英语怎么说?