
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 19:54:48


  I will never forget the night he was kicked off.His unexpecteddeparture(离开)left a number of his fans ,including me,sad and sorry.
  He is chenxiang ,whocame fifth in this year`s happy boys.chen is handsome and sincere.he has charming smiles and a soft,addictive voice.
  It was hia eyes that first caught my attention.
  But gradually,i saw that he had a number of wonderful qualities.
  Unkike the young men ,who became angry with the judges ,chen was always very humble.
  It was his calm that impressed me the most .At one point,he lost hearing in his left ear.Hia response to the camera was,"i don`t want to become another Beethoven." Despite(尽管) this problem,he went on with the show.In fact,he continued to perform as coolly as you like--even on the competitive PK stage.Just think how hard ti ts to stay calm under that kind of pressure.
  And these are just a few of the qualities that made him,in the view of most of jia fans the true champion.
  Yes,he fell before reaching the final.But despite this he is still the winner in my heart.he sang each song as if it had been writen just for him.he won me over with his music.
  chen said that ti was a pity that he had not the chance to sing Lengend on stage.But his fans don`t really care about that--for them he will always be a lengend.