单词每个造20个句子行么?to help do,make do,to help with,to take.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:27:15

单词每个造20个句子行么?to help do,make do,to help with,to take.
单词每个造20个句子行么?to help do,make do,to help with,to take.

单词每个造20个句子行么?to help do,make do,to help with,to take.
Please help me check the price.
I'd like to help you make some foods.
Hey,help me pull off the bear's skin please!It's Jumping!
I have to take 2 hours to finish my homework.
She can makes you smile.
Stop or I'll make you listen to her voice!
Sad movie makes me want to cry
Could you please help with the problem?
It took him half-an-hour to run for 1000 metres because of the fat...
It takes me 20 minutes to walk to the school.
.I help my mother do some washing.
She helped him with work.
My mother makes me do a lot of homework every day.
.It took me two hours to finish my homework yesterday.
He helps me with my homework
Please to help me with my Math!
Help me with my English.
he helped me with cooking
It took me 30 minutes to reach the railway station.

单词每个造20个句子行么?to help do,make do,to help with,to take. 每个单词造一句子 用可数名词造60个句子,每个句子至少1个单词明天之内要! help sb with sth.help sb(to)do sth.be good with sb 每个造两个句子 50个可数名词,并用每个造一个句子(每个句子至少7个单词)好的再加分 每个造3个句子 将下面的5个单词,每个单词造一个句子1.calm2.advise3.ahead of4.influence5.increase 帮忙用下面的单词造5个句子,每个单词各一个,always usually often sometimes never 用bowl hammer woman单词造句三个单词造在一个句子上,每个单词至少有一个形容词,造5个句子 帮我用will 和 be ging to 造英语句子每个造 15 个句子 每个单词一个句子 了 名字不用下册 每个单词造一个句子 人名不用 求英语大神造英语时态句子过去时,现在时,将来时,30个单词左右的要每个句子30个单词啊 造一个形容描述人们句子与这些单词有关:Hard - working others ,open ,ready to help mod 造一个形容描述人们句子与这些单词有关:Hard - working others ,open ,ready to help mod my mom asked my classtames to help( )to some fruit那个括号里的单词 只要没有语法错误 符合句子意思的单词就行 用缩写词每个在两个短语或句子.HKCDa.mp.mkgIDKFCNBADJ 用缩写形式造句就行了,一定用英语造!每个单词造2个句子 造英语短句.1...the same as...2...make...do...3..to take ...4...to help do...5 to help with...1个短语造两个句子,. 一共20个单词和20个句子,要把这些单词填入句子用past.buy buy drink eat find get get go go have help hurry look meet pack pack post ride stand waveOn the day of his departure Martin got up at about 8.15,He.went to Brighton station wit