如何从EViews里面的Johansen检验结果看出协整方程?Date:04/30/14 Time:11:21 Sample (adjusted):1983 2012 Included observations:30 after adjustments Trend assumption:Linear deterministic trend Series:M N P Lags interval (in first difference

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 12:36:28

如何从EViews里面的Johansen检验结果看出协整方程?Date:04/30/14 Time:11:21 Sample (adjusted):1983 2012 Included observations:30 after adjustments Trend assumption:Linear deterministic trend Series:M N P Lags interval (in first difference
Date:04/30/14 Time:11:21
Sample (adjusted):1983 2012
Included observations:30 after adjustments
Trend assumption:Linear deterministic trend
Series:M N P
Lags interval (in first differences):1 to 1
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)
Hypothesized Trace 0.05
No.of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.**
None * 0.467116 30.53590 29.79707 0.0410
At most 1 0.314106 11.65237 15.49471 0.1744
At most 2 0.011316 0.341410 3.841466 0.5590
Trace test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue)
Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05
No.of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.**
None 0.467116 18.88352 21.13162 0.1003
At most 1 0.314106 11.31096 14.26460 0.1393
At most 2 0.011316 0.341410 3.841466 0.5590
Max-eigenvalue test indicates no cointegration at the 0.05 level
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values
Unrestricted Cointegrating Coefficients (normalized by b'*S11*b=I):
1.912314 7.897272 7.298349
0.892072 0.329896 -10.51537
4.812426 -4.492027 -26.96774
Unrestricted Adjustment Coefficients (alpha):
D(M) -0.045222 -0.019310 0.008725
D(N) -0.054281 -0.028006 0.001551
D(P) -0.008705 0.010221 0.001037
1 Cointegrating Equation(s):Log likelihood 147.6442
Normalized cointegrating coefficients (standard error in parentheses)
1.000000 4.129693 3.816501
(1.00692) (2.00876)
Adjustment coefficients (standard error in parentheses)
D(M) -0.086479
D(N) -0.103802
D(P) -0.016647
2 Cointegrating Equation(s):Log likelihood 153.2997
Normalized cointegrating coefficients (standard error in parentheses)
1.000000 0.000000 -13.32235
0.000000 1.000000 4.150150
Adjustment coefficients (standard error in parentheses)
D(M) -0.103704 -0.363500
(0.04194) (0.15708)
D(N) -0.128786 -0.437911
(0.03069) (0.11494)
D(P) -0.007529 -0.065374
(0.00854) (0.03200)

如何从EViews里面的Johansen检验结果看出协整方程?Date:04/30/14 Time:11:21 Sample (adjusted):1983 2012 Included observations:30 after adjustments Trend assumption:Linear deterministic trend Series:M N P Lags interval (in first difference
None * 0.467116 30.53590 29.79707 0.0410
At most 1 0.314106 11.65237 15.49471 0.1744
At most 2 0.011316 0.341410 3.841466 0.5590


如何从EViews里面的Johansen检验结果看出协整方程?有的书上说可以直接从检验里面读出协整方程,不知道怎么读?急求教!叩谢中! 如何从EViews里面的Johansen检验结果看出协整方程?Date:04/30/14 Time:11:21 Sample (adjusted):1983 2012 Included observations:30 after adjustments Trend assumption:Linear deterministic trend Series:M N P Lags interval (in first difference eviews 里面的滞后一期数值如何表示? 用eviews进行Johansen协整检验如何选择检验方程形式和滞后阶数?用AIC准则确定了最优滞后阶数是2,那应该在Lag intervals里输入12,还是22? 计量EVIEWS的数据导入问题计量EVIEWS的数据无法从EXCEL复制进去,亦或是如何用EXCEL数据导入进EVIEWS中去? 如何把eviews文件转成stata的文件或者告诉我stata怎么可以直接用eviews的也行. 怎样通过eviews里面的数据判断出系数具有序列相关 跪求我的这个eviews怀特检验里面自由度个数是多少 如何用eviews 筛选备选函数模型 不懂啊看到一篇 硕士论文 里面利用eviews筛选备选的几个函数,不知到他是如何筛选的 需要输入数据吗?怎么操作啊如下:预测模型有多种类型,选取模型的主要 eviews建立garch模型前的问题eviews建立garch模型前如何进行ARCH—LM检验,如果能在线回答最好了. 用eviews里工具变量法做了回归,要获得工具变量的系数,但是eviews好像没有显示,如何进行查看? EViews 如何看图示法表示的两个变量之间的序列相关性 eviews结果分析,如何判断各解释变量的t检验是否显著? EViews如何进行自回归方程参数的最小二乘估计? 如何运用Eviews的矩阵运算功能进行参数值求解 eviews中如何将不同参数的图放到一个图里 eviews关于最小二乘法的问题!在eviews上怎么搞! eviews 时间序列平稳性检验小弟利用eviews对一组时间序列进行了平稳性检验,使用Akaike准则,结果如下.请教该时间序列是平稳的吗,如何从这个结果中判断,或者说判断准则是什么