英文生物学文献谁能给翻一下,急SUMMARYHistone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation is a hallmark ofmitotic chromosomes,but its full function remains tobe elucidated.We report here that two SR proteinsplicing factors,SRp20 and ASF/SF2,associatewit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:16:28

英文生物学文献谁能给翻一下,急SUMMARYHistone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation is a hallmark ofmitotic chromosomes,but its full function remains tobe elucidated.We report here that two SR proteinsplicing factors,SRp20 and ASF/SF2,associatewit
Histone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation is a hallmark of
mitotic chromosomes,but its full function remains to
be elucidated.We report here that two SR protein
splicing factors,SRp20 and ASF/SF2,associate
with interphase chromatin,are released from hyperphosphorylated
mitotic chromosomes,but reassociate
with chromatin late in M-phase.Inhibition of
Aurora B kinase diminished histone H3 serine 10
phosphorylation and increased SRp20 and ASF/
SF2 retention on mitotic chromosomes.Unexpectedly,
we also found that HP1 proteins interact with
ASF/SF2 in mitotic cells.Strikingly,siRNA-mediated
knockdown of ASF/SF2 caused retention of HP1
proteins on mitotic chromatin.Finally,ASF/SF2-
depleted cells released from a mitotic block displayed
delayed G0/G1 entry,suggesting a functional
consequence of these interactions.These findings
underscore the evolving role of histone H3 phosphorylation
and demonstrate a direct,functional,and
histone-modification-regulated association of
SRp20 and ASF/SF2 with chromatin.

英文生物学文献谁能给翻一下,急SUMMARYHistone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation is a hallmark ofmitotic chromosomes,but its full function remains tobe elucidated.We report here that two SR proteinsplicing factors,SRp20 and ASF/SF2,associatewit

英文生物学文献谁能给翻一下,急SUMMARYHistone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation is a hallmark ofmitotic chromosomes,but its full function remains tobe elucidated.We report here that two SR proteinsplicing factors,SRp20 and ASF/SF2,associatewit 哪里能看science、cell等期刊上的生物学英文文献我本科是生物学专业的,学校正在进行研究生推免面试工作,面试的时候有一个环节是给一篇英文文献让翻译,所以想先找几篇英文文献来看一下, 谁能给我翻一下这段英文、 急求 把英文文献翻译成中文 急求关于LED的英文文献,最好能带中文翻译,哪里能找的到帮忙告诉一下!急求关于LED的英文文献,最好能带中文翻译,哪里能找的到帮忙告诉一下! 谁给我一篇关于建筑的英文文献 5000字以上,还有中文翻译 坐等 急 谁有关于光子晶体光纤的英文文献能给传一份吗 求:会计电算化英文文献谁有会计电算化的英文文献,给我发一个吧...至少要5000个英文单词的文献...或者大家有什么关于这方面的英文书籍,也可以推荐一下... 基于FPGA的出租车计价器的设计英文文献谁能给一个关于FPGA或者VHDL的出租车计价器的英文文献 字数在1500以上 初一生物学,急,给采纳 鱼究竟为什么不能离开水?谁能给我从生物学的角度上回答一下? 求救谁能给我找一篇 有关校园规划方面的英文文献 要求3000字 左右 谁有树脂吸附处理废水的英文文献?字数在3000到5000之间,我自己翻译成汉语,能帮助我的,英文文献只要内容相关即可, 译著中文文献翻译成英文 求有关非经常性损益盈余管理的外文文献原文和中文翻译(英文10000字符以上)最重要的是外文原文,最好能给我个外文文献的链接,中文可以自己搞定,拜托各位了!急. 谁能介绍一下杏树的生物学特性 谁给我翻一下 谁能给我一篇关于反倾销的外文文献