英语智利测试1.My aunt has a brother.He'not my uncle.Who's he?2.You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from thebasket,how many eggs wouldyou have?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 15:09:15

英语智利测试1.My aunt has a brother.He'not my uncle.Who's he?2.You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from thebasket,how many eggs wouldyou have?
1.My aunt has a brother.He'not my uncle.Who's he?
2.You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from thebasket,how many eggs wouldyou have?

英语智利测试1.My aunt has a brother.He'not my uncle.Who's he?2.You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from thebasket,how many eggs wouldyou have?
1.He is you father.

He is my father.
11 呵呵,挺有趣的~~

He is my father.
still eleven

英语智利测试1.My aunt has a brother.He'not my uncle.Who's he?2.You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from thebasket,how many eggs wouldyou have? 看答句写问句 1.Mike has a birthday in november 2.My aunt is answering the phone. 智力测试(选词填空)1.My uncle has a brother ,but isn't my second uncle. He is _________.A.my aunt B.my brother C.my father D.my grandpa 2.which letter is a kind of drink and which letter is 英语My aunt lives ___the coast. 用英语写出相应的称呼.1.my uncle's daughter ( )2.my aunt's son ( )3.my uncle's wife ( )4.my aunt's husband ( ) aunt,hair,has,long,my,black连词成句 单句改错the woman has a bady is my aunt. My aunt has two k__,a son and a daughter 英语测试题(小学英语第三册)(连线)我的家庭 my family tree my fairy tal我的婶婶 my son my daughter我的女儿 fool cool酷的 my aunt my uncle 词语测试1.My mother's d is my sister.2.My father's parents are my g .3.These are my good f .4.H is a photo of my school.5.My aunt's son is my c . 英文智力测试1.My aunt has a brother.He's not my uncle.Who's he?2.You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from the basket,how many eggs would you have?3.Ariddle:I have a round face or a spuare face sometimes.I have two hands or th 初二英语智利测试1.What is taken from you before you get it?2.What is there in your house that ought to be looked into? My aunt has a sister.She isn't my aunt.Who is she?A.my mother.B.my teacher.C.my friend.怎么回答呀 mary has ( ) aunt My aunt has a brother.He’s not my uncle.Who’s he? My aunt has a brother.He's not my uncie.Who's he? 智利 英语怎么拼 智利英语怎么说