
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:02:15


Teal, the most prestigious aviation company forecast, the next 10 years, global demand for business jets will reach 9,000, with a total value of about $ 94.4 billion, while China is one of the most promising markets, the next 10 years is expected to reach 600-1200 jet aircraft. If these aircraft flying at full capacity, the annual turnover is expected to reach 60 billion yuan. Currently 80% of Chinese business jet market, customers are large multinational corporations, domestic customers accounted for only 20%.
But with China's accession to the good economic and corporate fierce competition, more companies want to race against time to time to gain, so that domestic enterprises will soon become the protagonist of the business jet market. Chinese business jet market potential immeasurable.
Face the huge Chinese business jet market opportunities, foreign airlines and aircraft manufacturers are also eager. A 75-year-old veteran "Raytheon Company," "Canada's Bombardier Group", "the French Dassault company" all have access, want to grab market opportunities. Civil aviation is a passenger or agency in accordance with the special requirements, through specially designed routes, within the agreed time, charter flight services to passengers. Many large companies use business aircraft to transport personnel and emergency supplies to the distribution company or at customer locations across. Currently the world's civil aircraft flying a total of about 380,000, but less than 10% airliners, business jets and more than 90% are industrial, agricultural, recreational and sporting aircraft. More developed jets, such as the United States has a variety of aircraft 205 000, the annual jet airliners flying hours already exceeded the annual flight hours. There are 15,000 companies with their own aircraft engaged in public transport. In the U.S., more suitable for business jets taking off and landing airport: Flight aircraft for less than 600 airports, but adapted to medium-sized aircraft taking off and landing airport over 5000, suitable for small flying airport is approximately 19,000.
Official airline or private jet from flights operated by time constraints, without destination restrictions, and thus have a good trip flexibility. Civil aviation is a very safe and effective way to travel, the use of civil aviation can not only save time, but also to ensure that the trade secrets, reflecting a positive corporate image. Just ride with charter contracts and identity Minden machine, no longer have to spend hours wicket, customs clearance and waiting, in the civil aviation rules premise, you can pick away at business activities require no flight time limitations, such as There are temporary changes, you can notify by telephone directly to the unit. Due to business and performance art, taking off and landing on the airport less demanding conditions, it is suitable for a wide range, can fly to many common flight did not sail and unable to reach the airport, allowing you to maximize the good use of money, time and human resources. Travel safety. Whether from the aircraft itself, maintenance level or flight safety record, Jet is the world's most secure transport. If Hawker series jets from the world's largest public / private aircraft manufacturer Raytheon Manufacturing, is by far the most widely used medium-sized jet business jet. It has a better performance, greater payload and longer range. Business jet cabin design fully into account public needs, not only improve services and facilities, more excellent office environment. Travelers in the journey to discuss public affairs, effective use of aerial flight time office. Jet Transfer key customers will also give customers impressed!

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