
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:13:12


1. This is all ____I know about the matter. a. that b .what c. which d. whether 2. This is the job ____they laughed. a. which b. that c. at that d. at which 3. Beihai Park is one of the most beautiful parks_ _built about 300 years ago in Beijing. a. which was b. where were c. that were d. that was 4. Who was the grey-haired old woman___ __at yesterday’s meeting ? a. we saw her b. we saw c. we saw whom d. she was seen 5. Her basket was full of bananas,___ __were given by Uncle Smith. a. that b. what c. which d. who 6. They went to see their father during those days__ __he stayed in hospital. a. when b. which c. that d. on that 7. This factory will not take anyone____ _eyesight is weak. a.of whom b. whom, c. of that d. whose 8.Let me think of a proper situation__ __this idiom can be used. a. where b. that c. which d. for which 9.On the table she found a piece of paper_ ____some puzzling secret codes. a. which was written b. that was written c. on which were written d. on that was written 10. Mother was very patient with the_ ___her husband seldom was. a. children, whom b. children, which c. children, that d. children, which 11. It was a meeting_ ___importance I didn’t realize at the time. a. which b. of which c. its d. whose 12. This is the second school__ __I used to work at, many students of__ __still have a good relationship with me. a. where…that b. that…which c. which…which d. that…that 13. She is very good at dance,___ _everybody knows. a. that b. which c. who d. as 14. This is the factory__ __his brother worked ten years ago. a. which b. that c. where d. when 15. Mathild will never forget the night_ ___she lost the necklace. a. which b. when c. why d. then 16. The woman__ __my brother spoke just now is my teacher. a. who b. to whom c. to who d. whom 17. This is the factory_ ___they visited the other day. a. that b. where c. t0 which d. what 18.Jeanne was told her old friend,__ __she borrowed a necklace. a. from who b. from whom c. to that d. to whom 19.He built a telescope__ _he could study the skies. a. in which b. through that c. from which d. through which 20.”Wait till you see___ _we’ll make for you to your own measure.” a. that b. if c. the clothes d. which 21. Are you the man_ ___bicycle was stolen ? a. who is b .whose c. his d. of which the 22. Here is the watch ____in the shop window. a. you saw it b. that you saw it c. that saw it d. you saw 23. We are looking forward to the day__ __the four modernizations of our country will be realized. a. while b. which c. whether d. when 24. He makes good use of the time_ ___he can spare. a. that b. in which c. in that d. when 25.”Those ___to see the new film write down your names, please.” a. want b. who c. that wants d. who want 26. Xiao Huang,_ __your good friend, will try her best to help you out. a. who is b. who am c. that am d. what is 27.His classes.__ _he was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke. a. which b. with which c. without which d. that 28. He was two Chinese-English dictionaries, ____were bought last week. a. two of which b. both of which c. both of them d. all of whom 29.She is a teacher of much knowledge, ____much can be learned. a. who b. that c. from which d. from whom 30. A saleswoman is_ ___sells goods. a. a thing that b. something that c. a woman who d. a woman that 31. Anyone_ __with what I said may raise your hand. a. which agrees b. who agree c. who agrees d. which agree 32. He wrote a letter to me, telling me everything___ he saw on the way to Beijing. a. what b. that c. which d. where. 33. Do you know who is living in the house ____ windows face south ? a. whose b. which c which of d. its 34. This is the house in___ my grandfather once lived. a. where b. that c. whose d. which 35. That is the house___ roof was blown off by the strong wind. a. which b. who’s c. its d. whose 36. I have no idea____. a. what the sentence means b. what does the sentence mean c. what means the sentence d what the sentence mean 37.My sister,___ lives in London, is coming to visit us. a.which b. that c. whom d. who 38. That’s the hotel____ last year. a. which we stayed b. at where we stayed c. where we stayed at d. where we stayed 39. The reason___I can’t come is that I have to work late. a. because b. for c. as d. why 40.”Which is your sister ?”” She’s the girl___ is wearing the green dress. a.who b. who’s c. which d. what 41.The Purple mountain,___ we visited last week, is the highest mountain in Jiangsu. a. where b. which c. that d. what 42. She was____I met at the party,____you knew. a.the one…as b. who…that c. the one what…which d. that…as 43.It was raining,___ was a pity. a.what b. that c. the which d. which 44. That’s the dog____. a. we’ve been looking after b. after which we’ve been looking c. what we’ve been looking after d. we’ve been taking care for 45.Which sentence is wrong ? a. The school in which she once studied is not large. b. The school which she once studied is not large c. The school that she once studied in is not large d. The school she once studied in is not large 46.It was just the same with the official ____it had been with the Minister a.a.that b. what c. as d. which 47.In the days___ all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours to a. which b./ c. when d. as 48.This is the last time___ I’ll give you a lesson. a.when b. that c. what d. as 49.Is this the house___ you lived there years ago ? a. that b. where c. which d. the one 50.He is the man___ we should all learn from. a. whose b. which c. whom d. what 51. That’s the only thing__ __we can do now a.which b. what c. that d. all 52. This is the place_____I’ve long wanted to visit. a. where b. which c. what d. as 53. We’ll put off the outing until next week,___ we won’t be so busy. a.which b. / c. as d. when 54. Let’s discuss only such questions____ concern everybody. a. as b. why c. which d. that 55. Is there a shop around ____ we can get fruit? a. on which b. for which c. where d. which 56 The tool ____ he is called a spade. a. for which b. with which c. for that d. with that 57. The film ____ I’m speaking is to be shown at the People’s Cinema next week. a. to that b. to which c. of that d. of which 58. In an open boat, the four men, ____ a doctor , met with a storm on the sea. a. one of whom were b. one of them was c. one of whom was d. one of them were 59. Such signs ____ we use in the experiment ____ Greek letters. a. as…are b. as…is c. that…are d. that…is 60. He gave the old lady a pair of shoes for birthday, ____ pleased her a lot. a. that b. which c. as d. what 61. They have decided to stay at home, ____, I think, ____ a wise choice. a. which…are b. which…is c. that…are d. that…is 62. We walked down the village street, ____ they were having market day. a. which b. that c. where d. for which 63.. The old man told us ____ the days ____ he was poor were gone. a. /…when b. of…when c. when…that d. something…that 64. The family ____ I stayed with in Paris are coming to London. a. whose b. which c. what d. whom 65. In the distance there is a hill, ____ stands a white house. a. in that b. on the top of which c. on the top of it d. on the top of where 66. The dun heats the earth, ____ makes it possible for plants to grow. a. that b. who c. who d. what 67. I don’t like the way ____ he spoke to me. a. what b. by which c. by that d. / 68. ____ was natural, he married Mary. a. Which b. That c. This d. As 69. He wants to go to Norway, ____ has more mountains than Sweden. a. that b. who c. which d. whose 70. This is the very knife ____ I used to cut apples yesterday. a. that b. by which c. which d. with which 71. China has many rivers, ____ the Changjiang River is the longest. a. which b. in which c. among which d. one of which 72. Here is so difficult a question ____. a. that no one can answer b. which nobody can answer it c. as no one can answer it d. as nobody can answer 1.I don';t know _________ he will come tomorrow._________ he comes,I';ll tell you. A.if;Whether B.whether;Whether C.if;That D.if;If 2.I don';t know _________ the day after tomorrow. A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he';ll come 3.Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is? A.what B.how C.whether D.where 4.Could you tell me _________ the radio without any help? A.how did he mend B.what did he mend C.how he mended D.what he mended 5.I want to know _________ . A.whom is she looking after B.whom she is looking C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after 6.Do you know where _________ now? A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live 7.Do you know what time _________ ? A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave D.the train leaves 8.I don';t know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old B.how old are the two players C.the two players are how old D.how old the two players are 9.The small children don';t know _________ . A.what is their stockings in B.what is in their stockings C.where is their stockings in D.what in their stockings 10.I can';t understand _________ . A.what does Christmas mean B.what Christmas does mean C.what mean Christmas does D.what Christmas means II.按要求转换句型. 1.Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in China?Could you tell us?(改写句子) →Could you tell us _________ Mr.Brown _________ living in China? 2.“Does the girl need any help?”he asked me.(变为复合句) →He asked me _________ the girl _________ some help. 3.Jim is not a student.Tom is not a student,either.(合并为一个句子) _________ Jim _________ Tom is a student. 4.When does the train leave?I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) I want to know _________ the train _________ . 5.They went home after they had finished their homework.(用not...until改写) They _________ go home _________ they had finished their homework. 6.Did Peter come here yesterday?Li Lei wants to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) Li Lei wants to know _________ Peter _________ here yesterday. I.1—5DDDCD 6—10ADDBD II.1.if/whether;enjoys 2.if/whether;needed 3.Neither;nor 4.when;leaves 5.didn';t;until 6.whether;came