找出句子错误的单词 1、what do you have?i have a tin chicken 2、show me you new spoon3、sun is a circle,and the moon is a circle,too.4、i like running very much

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:46:05

找出句子错误的单词 1、what do you have?i have a tin chicken 2、show me you new spoon3、sun is a circle,and the moon is a circle,too.4、i like running very much
找出句子错误的单词 1、what do you have?i have a tin chicken 2、show me you new spoon
3、sun is a circle,and the moon is a circle,too.
4、i like running very much

找出句子错误的单词 1、what do you have?i have a tin chicken 2、show me you new spoon3、sun is a circle,and the moon is a circle,too.4、i like running very much
1.tin 改成thin或者 a tin +of
3.sun改成the sun

找出句子错误的单词 1、what do you have?i have a tin chicken 2、show me you new spoon3、sun is a circle,and the moon is a circle,too.4、i like running very much 找出句子中的错误并改正Do you think what do they have?xiexie 找出下列句子中错误的一项,并改正.1 She can do it at all __ _ ___ A B C 改:_______________2 What time do she do her homework __________ __ ____ What do you do on Spring Festival?找出错误的地方并改正 What do Liu Tao usually do 找出错误 ( )look careful.there are three.找出错误的单词,并改正( )look careful.there are three.找出错误的单词,并改正( )do you agree that there is boats there.three.找出错误的单词,并改正 what dose she likes do找出错误,将其改正, 找出下列句子中唯一的错误,并改正.He usually do homework in the evening Were you do your homework yesterday?找出这个句子的错误并改正 找出句子的错误并改正. 找出句子的错误选项,并改正 找出句子中的错误 1、What time the film starts?2、What your parents do on Sunday evenings?每句话各有一处错误!帮忙改正这句子里的错误! 1.My family go to the beach?哪个单词错误 _____ ___ ______ A B C你能找出错误的选择,1.My family go to the beach?哪个单词错误 ( )__________________ ___ ______A B C2.What do you play football?( )__________________ ___ ___________ what should you do then会有错的吗我的试卷是 what should you do then?找出他的错误并改正 1.We must across the road carefully.找出下列句子中错误的单词或词组,修改正确 What do you do in the weekend?找出错误,并改正. Do you think what do they have?.(找出错误)help