翻译及做法Let S1^2 and S2^2 denote ,respectively,the variances of independent random samples of n and m selected from normal distributions with means μ1 and μ2 and common variance σ^2. If μ1 and μ2 are unknown ,construct a likelihood ra

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 15:28:34

翻译及做法Let S1^2 and S2^2 denote ,respectively,the variances of independent random samples of n and m selected from normal distributions with means μ1 and μ2 and common variance σ^2. If μ1 and μ2 are unknown ,construct a likelihood ra
Let S1^2 and S2^2 denote ,respectively,the variances of independent random samples of n and m selected from normal distributions with means μ1 and μ2 and common variance σ^2. If μ1 and μ2 are unknown ,construct a likelihood ratio test of H0: σ^

翻译及做法Let S1^2 and S2^2 denote ,respectively,the variances of independent random samples of n and m selected from normal distributions with means μ1 and μ2 and common variance σ^2. If μ1 and μ2 are unknown ,construct a likelihood ra
让S1和S2 ^ 2 ^ 2分别表示,n和m的独立随机选取样本的方差正态分布μ1和μ2和方差σ^ 2的共同手段.如果μ1和μ2未知,构建静床似然比检验:σ^

翻译及做法Let S1^2 and S2^2 denote ,respectively,the variances of independent random samples of n and m selected from normal distributions with means μ1 and μ2 and common variance σ^2. If μ1 and μ2 are unknown ,construct a likelihood ra S2-S1=at^2S1 S2指什么 如图所示电路中,不允许的做法是 A 同时闭合S1,S2 B 同时闭合S1 ,S3 C 同时闭合 S2 S3 D同时闭合S1,S2,S3 英语数学题(急) 最好能给我翻译一下题目(这样追加更多分!)当然解题是最重要的,题目大致我还能看清楚.Let U be a set containing 29 objects and let S1,S2,S3,...,S10 be 10 subsets of U,not necessarily distinct S1:S2=2:5 S2:S3=4:10 S1:S2:S3= (s3-s2)/s2-(s2-s1)/s1=? main() {char *s1,*s2,m; s1=s2=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)); *s1=15;*s2=20;m=*s1+*s2; printf(%d ,mmain(){char *s1,*s2,m;s1=s2=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char));*s1=15;*s2=20;m=*s1+*s2;printf(%d ,m);}求输出结果及思路 如图所示 ,电源电压保持不变,要使电流表示数最大,下列做法正确的是_____A.S1、S2都断开 B.S1断开、S2闭合 C.S1闭合、S2断开 D.Sl、S2都闭合 由纸带计算加速度a=(s2-s1)/T^2 s1,s2指的是什么? 如图所示 电源电压保持不变,R1=R2=R3=3欧,开关S1闭合时,S2断开,电流表的示数为2A,求:(1)当S1、S2均断开,通过各个电阻的电流及R1消耗的功率;(2)当S1、S2均闭合时电路的总电阻及R3在一分钟 先天变异:S1腰化 S1向后滑移,腰椎生理曲度,S1腰化,S1相对于L5及S2向后移位约一度,L5/S1,S1/2椎间盘于T2患者信息:女 50岁 河北 石家庄 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):不能长时间站立,经常 Δs=s2-s1=s3-s2=.=aT^2 那s6-s2呢 电源电压为12V,R1=4Ω,R2=8Ω,当开关S1,S2都断开时,电流表示数为0.5A(1)当S1闭合,S2断开时,电路消耗的功率(2)当S1断开,S2闭合时,电流表的示数(3)当S1、S2都闭合时,电流表的示数及电路消耗的 石块A自塔尖由静止开始自由落下S1时 石块B从离塔尖S2处从静止开始自由落下 两石块同时落地 则塔高为..A.S1+S2 B.(S1+S2)^2/4S1C.S1^2/4(S1+S2)D.(S1+S2)^2/S1-S2 用丙酮从口腔上皮细胞中提取脂质,在空气——水界面上铺成单分子层,测得单分子层面积为S1设细胞膜表面积S2则s1,s2关系最恰当的是 A.S1=2S2 B.S1》2S2 C.S1《2S2 D.S2《S1《2S2为什么 20.如图所示,电源电压不变,要使电流表的示数最大,下列做法中正确的是( )A.S1、S2都断开 B.S1断开S2闭合 C.S1闭合S2断开 D.S1、S2都闭合我已经分不清电流到底从哪条道走了…… 为什么S1+S2/T1+T2会等于(V1+V2)/2 d1:d2=2:3,那么S1:S2=?