
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 06:52:04


When the earthquake,the Chinese nation unite.
Don't because it is deeply rooted in our hearts of ethnic culture together,let us meet difficulties of stubborn?
This is the power of culture?
Culture guided us from the predicament,and give us the future direction.I believe,the pure science only make us more at ease,not brave enough to do all the things.
Just like that to write down from a rescue soldier generally,they have not rely on science and technology,but to save the disaster.
The real cultural may be out toward the brilliant,this technology is unable to do so.

Wenchuan earthquake, the Chinese people united as one.
I really do not precisely because of that deeply rooted in our culture to our hearts together to meet a stubborn problem?
Is not this cul...


Wenchuan earthquake, the Chinese people united as one.
I really do not precisely because of that deeply rooted in our culture to our hearts together to meet a stubborn problem?
Is not this culture of power?
Culture to guide us out of the predicament, to our future direction. I believe that technology alone is only make us more at ease, not brave to do all things.
As it was dropped from a height of soldiers involved in the rescue, that their hearts and some are not dependent on technology, but has the urgency of saving lives in the catastrophe.
Culture is the real plight of people from the glory, it is science and technology can not.
