
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 08:15:10


Leslie Hope Abramson (born October 6,1943 in Flushing,New York) is an American criminal defense attorney best known for her role in the legal defense of Lyle and Erik Menendez.
She stirred controversy when it was revealed during the Menendez trial she had Erik's psychiatrist delete and rewrite passages of his notes.When asked by the Judge about it she twice invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.As a result,an investigation was launched by the state bar.Following a three year investigation the state bar closed its case "after deciding that there was insufficient evidence to conclude she violated ethical rules in the Menendez brothers retrial."
In 2004,she was hired by Phil Spector,who was charged with fatally shooting actress Lana Clarkson at his suburban Alhambra,California mansion,replacing his former attorney,Robert Shapiro.
She graduated from Queens College and in 1969 received a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from UCLA School of Law.Abramson was admitted to the California State Bar in 1970.She began her career in the Los Angeles Public Defender's office and developed a reputation as a fierce advocate for her clients.

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