
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:17:45


一、 单独用作疑问词.
1. 问身体健康等情况.
How are your parents?你父母身体好吗?
How are things in your father’s factory?你爸爸厂里的情况怎么样?
2. 问天气状况.
How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?
How does your mother go to work every day?你妈妈每天怎么去上班?
How can I carry the box upstairs?我怎样才能把这箱子搬到楼上呢?
How do you like this book?你觉得这本书怎么样?
二、 与其它形容词或副词搭配使用
1.How old问年龄、年代.
How old is your friend?你朋友多大了?
How old is the bridge?这座桥有多少年代了?
2.How many问可数名词数量.常将可数名词复数紧随其后.如:
How many pictures are there on the wall?墙上有多少幅画?
How many glasses of milk would you like?你们想要几杯牛奶?
3.How much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格.
How much money is there in the purse?钱包里有多少钱?
How much are the apples at the moment?目前苹果什么价钱?
4.How long提问物体的长度、时间的长短.
How long is the Changjia River?长江有多长?
How long does it take you to do your homework every day?
5.How soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问,表示“多久之后”.
How soon will you be back?你多久后回来?
6.How often对表示频率的副词或短语提问.
How often does Mrs.Green go shopping?格林夫人多久去购一次物?
7.How about用来征求对方意见.
Your father is a worker,how about your mother?你父亲是工人,你母亲呢?
How about playing games after school this afternoon?下午放学后做游戏怎么样?
8.How far 问两地间的距离How tall问人(树)的高度;how heavy问重量;how wide问宽度;how high可以询问建筑物、山峰高度.
How far is it from the earth to the moon?从地球到月球有多远?
How tall is Yao Ming?姚明身高多少?
How heavy is that big box?那只大箱子有多重?
How wide is the new street?这条新街有多宽?
How high is the tower in Paris?巴黎的那座塔有多高?
How funny the little boy looks!这个小男孩多有趣啊!
How beautiful the flowers in the parks are!公园里的那些花多美啊!
How far is the factory from here?车站离这儿有多远?(疑问)
How far the factory is from here!车站离这儿多远啊!(感叹)
1.How old is the boy?
_______ the boy’s _______?
2.How much are the eggs?
_______ the ______ of the eggs?
3.How long is the river?
_______ the _______ of the river?
4.How about going to the park tomorrow?
_______ about going to the park tomorrow?
5.How much is five plus ten?
_______ five plus ten?
6.How is the weather today?
_______ is the weather _______today?
7.How do you like the film The Hero?
_______ do you_______ _______the film The Hero?
8.How clever the girl is!
______ _______ clever girl ______ is!
(答案:1.What’s,age 2.What’s,price 3.What’s,length 4.What 5.What’s 6.What,like 7.What,think of 8.What a,she)

how many 提问可数名词
how much 提问不可数名词
how about you = what about you 你那?
how long 多久(对时间提问)
how far 多远(对距离提问)
how do you like。。。?你觉得。。。怎么样?
how old 提问年龄
how+be+人 。。。身体怎么样?

how long:多长
how big:多大
how often:多久一次
how soon:多久

how far

有关“how”的疑问词或疑问短语要写出它的用法;越多越好! 初一英语合适的疑问词或短语填空 有关how的短语 疑问词构成是什么?疑问代词,疑问副词,疑问词词组有哪些?说出How soon和How often的区别? 六年级英语 按要求写出相应的单词或短语 1.请写出三个中国之最 2.请写出三个太空星体 3.写出三个疑问词 写出与黄河有关的短语,谚语或成语... 所有初一英语的疑问词和疑问短语!告知意思和作用! 所有初一英语的疑问词和疑问短语!告知意思和作用!谢 含how的疑问词请写出3个.谢拉 英语特殊疑问词的疑问据我了解是以w或h开头的单词为特殊疑问词(不知道对不对),例如:what how等请问以have开头的疑问句是特殊疑问句吗? 含how的疑问词要四个 求所有特殊疑问词和短语要求每个都造句有很多.HOW 就有HOW OFEN HOW LONG 之类的我要全部 How;How many; How much; How long; How often;How big; How heavy;How far上述疑问词短语中how后面的都是副词还是形容词? 初中英语关于疑问词+动词不定式的代词或副词的选择?该怎么选择是用 how 还是 what which whose 等等~疑问副词 疑问代词啊 是根据主语?还是什么啊 由how构成的特殊疑问词用法的辨析(共7个短语) 写出下列特殊疑问词的意义where what how many how which when what time why 法语中有疑问代词或副词的疑问句是不是一定要主谓倒装?除了疑问词后面有est-ce que或把疑问词放后 的情况 用有关how的疑问短语完成句子------ will you come back ------is the population of china-------is your classroom----have you been studying french