英数题 If 7 matches can make a square,ten matches can make 3 squares,how many squares can 100(接matches make?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 06:37:45

英数题 If 7 matches can make a square,ten matches can make 3 squares,how many squares can 100(接matches make?
英数题 If 7 matches can make a square,ten matches can make 3 squares,how many squares can 100(接
matches make?

英数题 If 7 matches can make a square,ten matches can make 3 squares,how many squares can 100(接matches make?

那100根火柴可以摆=(100-1)/3=33 个

雪,在我的童年生活中的记忆异常深刻雪,就像一个个小精灵从天而降;雪,犹如一个个小音符在天空跳动;雪,仿佛一位仙女降临人间我喜欢洁白无瑕的雪 每当我看见雪像小精灵一样快活地降落人间,都会异常激动当雪降临人间时,雪把世界点缀得如此美妙在我的记忆中,有一场大雪使我难忘早晨,我打开窗户,哇,雪把世界变成了冰清玉洁的世界,鹅毛般大雪漫天飞舞,纷纷扬扬地从云层中飘洒下来我向窗外望,地上的积雪厚厚的,屋顶上...


雪,在我的童年生活中的记忆异常深刻雪,就像一个个小精灵从天而降;雪,犹如一个个小音符在天空跳动;雪,仿佛一位仙女降临人间我喜欢洁白无瑕的雪 每当我看见雪像小精灵一样快活地降落人间,都会异常激动当雪降临人间时,雪把世界点缀得如此美妙在我的记忆中,有一场大雪使我难忘早晨,我打开窗户,哇,雪把世界变成了冰清玉洁的世界,鹅毛般大雪漫天飞舞,纷纷扬扬地从云层中飘洒下来我向窗外望,地上的积雪厚厚的,屋顶上的雪把屋顶包得严严实实的,树枝上、树叶上银装素裹,过了一会儿,雪渐渐停了,金色的太阳从蔚蓝的天空中露出笑脸,白茫茫的雾渐渐散了,银色的大地在太阳的照耀下闪闪发光,变成了粉妆玉砌的世界我不由自主地走出家门,眼前的景象把我吸引住了,地上的雪有集合的,像一块块奶油蛋糕,有分散的,像洁白的面粉我摸了摸雪,冷冰冰的我又看到,小路上雪白一片,像铺了一层地毯;车子上积满了雪;雪把草地可爱的绿色覆盖了;马路上也有薄薄的雪;小河上漂浮着冰…… 雪给我带来了沁人心脾的感觉,我喜欢洁白无瑕的雪
美丽的秋天 秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄的来到了人间 秋天带着它的调色盘来到了果园里,它把苹果染成了红色;把桔子染成了橘黄色;把葡萄染成了紫红色的了这时,调皮的风‘宝宝’来捣乱了,‘它’把秋天刚染好的的树叶打着旋吹了下来天空中飞来了一群大雁,它们排着整齐的队伍向南方飞去小鸟们正忙着寻找食物,准备过冬 秋天把丰硕的果实留给人间,把美好的祝愿留给人们后,秋天便拂袖而去树枝摇曳,叶儿与追随秋天的足迹乘风而去,在空中打了几个旋儿,飘然落下留下一个美好的思念和静静的沉思 我爱万物复苏的春天,也爱烈日当头的夏天,更爱冰天雪地的冬天,但是我最爱的还是那美丽的秋天


英数题 If 7 matches can make a square,ten matches can make 3 squares,how many squares can 100(接matches make? If you go for a p_______,you can learn to make a fire with two p_________of wood.You can a______use Matches.Young boys often l_______to play with matches.But children mustn't p______with fire b________ it is dangerous.Their p_________must be careful, can you take only three matches away中文 Matches should_(keep)wher children can't get them. 英文翻译Can you make five triangles with nine matches? Can you make 12 triangles with 6 matches?答案 Can you use six matches to make four triangles? 英语用正确时态天空的1.he would enjoy this if he______(be)present.2.she can do better if she______(try)这个是最不明白的.3.if you play with matches,you________(burn)your fingers.4.if you broke this window,you_______(have to)pay for if 用正确的动词时态填空He would enjoy this if he ___(be) present.She can do better if she _____(try).If you play with matches,you ______(burn)your fingers.If you broke this window,you _________(have to) pay for it.If you _______(lose) your way 括号中的动词的形式对吗?1 He would enjoy this if he (was) present.2 She can do better if she (tried).3 If you play with matches, you (would burn) your fingers.4 If broke this window, you (would have to) pay for it.5 If you (lost) your way, You can easily see fddtball matches or you can pick apples from apple trees You can easily see fddtball matches or you can pick apples from apple trees 英语翻译Create-A-PPV and Create-A-Title return to the SVR Series and with a BIG difference.Not only can you create the matches for the PPV but you can create the ARENA,the LOGO,the RING,the LIGHTING and much much more.If you prefer not to,you can 按首字母,写单词 1.the factory p___ a kind of new bicycle.2.c____ can go through the desert without any water.3.if our school team wins the last two matches,we will be the t___4.there's a tunnel under xuanwu lake in nanjing.we can drive t___ it Can you take only three matches away to make seven triangles? what is the biggest number that can be written with three matches? what is the biggest number that can be written wth three matches求中文 here are five matches.what shapes can you make?draw them out.