恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.英文的文本about which is better for college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:35:02

恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.英文的文本about which is better for college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.
恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.
英文的文本about which is better for college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.

恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.英文的文本about which is better for college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.
虽然没有悬赏分,我还是很认真的给你写了一篇,如果觉得还不错(个人觉得还不错,条理清晰、用词得当又不乏新意),给上5分亦可,权当是努力没有白费.首先呢,我给你改了一个题目:Go to work or further study
Good morning/afternoon/evening,as far as I'm concerned,nowadays,many college students have to choose either to go to work or further their study for the master’s degree after graduation because it's getting more and more competitive.For my part,I would like to find a job first when I graduate from college.
Before long,graduates don't need to make a choice between whether to go to work or study because few will further study after graduation.However,until recent years,graduates find that society competition is getting more and more intense and accordingly,some of them tend to further their study for a better job in the future.I can surely understand them but in my opinion,graduates should work as soon as they graduate from college.I hold my viewpoint for several reasons.
In the first place,graduates can live on their own and can even afford to support their whole family for the reason that after many years of study,their family is unable to support them to go on with education because of the high tuition and fees.Stepping into the society may lead them to be financially independent of their parents.
In the second place,the early they go to work,the early they will know about the social development tendency.As we know,the present society is never so ever-changing that even colleges have to give responsive courses to meet the requirement of the competitive society,let alone college students.By throwing themselves into work,they will soon find their own shortcomings and then improve them in real life accordingly.This,in turn,is also a process of self-study and self-improvement since society is the biggest school.
Last but not least,graduates have the ability to adapt themselves to the society.They have knowledge,they have passion,they have ambition,they can do what they want to do if they put their hearts in it.Besides,society needs them as well.Society needs all kinds of inter-disciplinary talents in all walks of life.Therefore,graduates' stepping into society will,for one thing,meet the needs of society; for another,will ease the burden of society's investments on education.In this case,why not to work.I am ready,are you ready?I can't wait to take my first job.
That's all.Thank you all.

恳求大侠提供一个debate about college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate.英文的文本about which is better for college studants find a job or postgraduate when graduate. English debate about cumpus love debate on 和debate about 的区别是什么?RT sparkle the debate about. 是什么意思sparkle the debate 求文言文的新婚祝福语 恳求各位大侠不吝赐教~ (高2英语)have a debate about sth.with sb. 本人急求一份传媒求职信范文哪位大侠提供一个 HCl气体-水的相平衡常数是多少?怎么求?恳求大侠指教 各位大侠……帮忙看看这样一篇托福作文可以得多少分啊……急……Recently,there is an intense debate about that whether the colleges or universities should offer students a better job preparation before they start working.Som The debate these days draws our attention about whether 准确中文意思 Is protecting the environment important than economic developmentIt is about a debate 恳求提供有关汉文帝母亲薄姬的参考书籍. 求一个具体地方的经纬度 海拔高度请问那个大侠能给提供此地点的经纬度 和 精确海拔高度 FORM 10是什么做化工的,一个香港客户要求提供FORM 10请大侠们指点, 这句话有语法错误吗There is a debate about whether people watch movies about real life is only worth 介词about 后面可以接从句吗?比如说 We have a debate about whether...现在语法好多多忘记了, debate是什么 想自学拉丁语 主要是辨认植物拉丁学名的需要 该怎么入手呢?恳求大侠不吝赐教~