
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:27:59


1.George Bernard Shaw in his foreword of a script in this view:People in the Middle Ages when more than superstition.2.Her husband's death,she had to raise five children alone stir up the economic burden.3.Prove or refute an argument is one of the best ways from the personal experience of the examples cited.4.Betty Hunter said he always exaggerate the shortcomings of this,is likely to cause a quarrel.(Statement) 5.Scientists have found that the take-all (a total eclipse of the sun) the causes of this phenomenon before,when darkness revealed in heaven Provisional people afraid of a terrible.6.A people gather to discuss economic issues,his father said the beginning of a month of money is absolutely necessary,in an emergency situation,we can rely on their savings

The first unit
1. We have been informed that the Minister of Finance will be the next day we met.
2. I find it very strange that he did not seem to remember their own health said.
3. Te...


The first unit
1. We have been informed that the Minister of Finance will be the next day we met.
2. I find it very strange that he did not seem to remember their own health said.
3. Term papers should be in no later than next Tuesday handed, but most students have so far little progress.
4 .. see the steady decline in the number of students by school principals to mind.
5. In that country in general are accepted in cash, but the cheque is generally up, and soon people will instead of cash as a way to the checkout.
6. Henry eager to know that he wants his mother in the orchard, so when she heard one to see the distance he called again.
The second unit
1. Bill is already a mature young man, no longer dependent on their parents make decisions for him ..
2. This region a large number of meat supply, but the scarcity of fresh fruits and vegetables.
3. Engineers rely on the people's wisdom, has created a new production methods, to improve productivity.
4. He spent a lot of time to prepare for the math test, so when he was informed that his only at the b-am a bit disappointed.
5. We have plenty of time from Rongrong Chidun from lunch.,
6. The local government had to draw grain reserves and take other emergency measures to tide over the food crisis
