if it___tomorrow,i'll stay at home.A.rainedB.will rainC.hd rainedD.rains我判断这个是对将来的虚拟 但是根据虚拟条件句用谓语:/一般过去时/should/were to+动词原形 主句用谓语:would/should/could/might +动词原形 不

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:53:43

if it___tomorrow,i'll stay at home.A.rainedB.will rainC.hd rainedD.rains我判断这个是对将来的虚拟 但是根据虚拟条件句用谓语:/一般过去时/should/were to+动词原形 主句用谓语:would/should/could/might +动词原形 不
if it___tomorrow,i'll stay at home.
B.will rain
C.hd rained
但是根据虚拟条件句用谓语:/一般过去时/should/were to+动词原形
主句用谓语:would/should/could/might +动词原形
还有 根据 从句 谓语 一般过去时 那么 为什么不可以选择( A )

if it___tomorrow,i'll stay at home.A.rainedB.will rainC.hd rainedD.rains我判断这个是对将来的虚拟 但是根据虚拟条件句用谓语:/一般过去时/should/were to+动词原形 主句用谓语:would/should/could/might +动词原形 不
if 引导条件状语从句,因此用一般现在时.

后面是i will 前面不能用过去时

这不是虚拟语气。就是普通的对将来的一个猜测,然后条件状语从句中的将来时will rain用一般现在时rains代替

D 将来时的虚拟 是现在时
现在时的虚拟 才是 过去时

Even if it___tomorrow,I think ,i will attend the class.中间空格为什么填 rains? I'm not sure if it___tomorrow.A.will rain B.rain C.rains D.to rain I am not sure if it___tomorrow.If it ___tomorrow,we wound not go for a picnic.中前一格填rains,那为什么后一格填will rain? I do hope it___tomorrow?If it___,everything will be fine .It is too dry this spring in ZhengzhouA.rain ;will rain B.will rain ;rainedC.will rain;rainsD.rain ;will rain We won't go for a mountain climbing if it___tomorrow.A.will snow B.snow C.snows It looks as if it___tomorrow.A.will rain B.is going to rain 可以选A吗?为什么? if it___tomorrow,i'll stay at home.A.rainedB.will rainC.hd rainedD.rains我判断这个是对将来的虚拟 但是根据虚拟条件句用谓语:/一般过去时/should/were to+动词原形 主句用谓语:would/should/could/might +动词原形 不 If i'm cold,l can take it. @for(link3(i,j):c(i,j)=@if(@sum(type(l):x(l,i,j))#gt#0,1,0)); The head teacher with his students___Tuanchengshan Park if it___tomorrow.A.is going to;isn't rainy B.are going to;isn't rainy C..is going to;won't rainD.are going to;doesn't rain I too television much if watch heavy have I will a l连词成句 If I could rerrange the alphabet,l'd put Y and I together.翻译中文 IF I if(i if(!(i If I 设顺序表L是一个递增有序表,阅读下列程序写出算法功能void demo1(SQLIST *L,int x){ int i;if (L->length>=listsize) return error;i=L->length-1;while(i>=0&&L->elem[i]>x){ L->elem[i+1]=L->elem[i]; i--; }L->elem[i+1]=x;L->length++;} 数据结构中if(!l.