新概念英语第二册上的题目,哪位好人帮帮我啊在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out. 但是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:39:19

新概念英语第二册上的题目,哪位好人帮帮我啊在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out. 但是
在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out. 但是,在“He is looking (for) his pen.”中,我们却不能变动for的位置,如有可能,调换下列句子中括号里的词的位置.
1.He gave away all his books.
2.She woke up the children early this morning.
3.He is looking for his umbrella.
4.They cut off the king's head.
5.Put on your hat and coat.
6.Give it back to your brother.
7.Help me to lift up this table.
8.Take off your shoes and put on your slippers.
9.He is looking at the picture.
10.Send her away or she will cause trouble.
11.They have pulled down the old building.
12.Make up your mind.
13.He asked for permission to leave.
14.She threw away all those old newspapers.
忘加括号了,第一个括号词是away. 2.up 3.for 4.off 5.on 6.back 7.up 8.off 9.at 10.away 11.down 12.up 13.for 14.away

新概念英语第二册上的题目,哪位好人帮帮我啊在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out. 但是
1.He gave all his books (away).
2.She woke the children (up) early this morning.
*3.He is looking (for) his umbrella.
4.They cut the king's head (off).
5.Put your hat and coat(on).
*6.Give it (back) to your brother .
7.Help me to lift this table (up0.
8.Take your shoes (off) and put your slippers (on).
*9.He is looking (at) the picture.
*10.Send her away or she will cause trouble.
11.They have pulled the old building (down).
12.Make your mind (up).
*13.He asked (for) permission to leave.
14.She threw all those old newspapers (away).

新概念英语第二册上的题目,哪位好人帮帮我啊在下面的有些句子中我们可以调换括号里的词的位置.比如说,在“He put (out) the fire .”这句话中,我们可以变动out的位置,即:He put the fire out. 但是 新概念英语第二册26课书信写作请大家帮帮我 请问哪位高人新概念英语第二册的练习答案啊?94课 哪位好人有《大学英语精读第二册》外教版 董亚芬主编,第125页自我测试题的答案, 新概念英语第二册65课摘要写作的题目小象对警察的那课我要完了 新概念英语第二册mp3我要美音版的 要一课一课的 我语文的阅读理解 老是拿不到高分 哪位好人 帮帮我 教教我怎样才能拿高分 我要新概念英语第二册的答案和听力 写冬天的唐诗宋词元曲,要完整,要有题目和作者!急!要多一点,我要做小诗集,要做十页.哪位好人能帮帮我,注意要分类.要不然我又会被老师骂!十万火急! 新概念英语第二册和第三次mp3格式,哪位辛苦帮忙发给我!邮箱wlplxh@126.com谢谢! 哪位英语好的帮帮, 新概念英语第二册课文谁能给我新概念英语第二册30-34课的课文? 新概念英语第二册12所有题目答案 新概念英语第二册 新概念英语第二册14课的课文的内容和摘要写作的题目 新概念英语第二册lesson22后练习中填空题(填介词)的题目注意, 如何背英语短文我要背新概念英语第二册第7课,可背了快两个小时还没背下来!帮帮我 谁有新概念英语第二册书本上测试2的答案````急用我先谢谢了````