Walk Away -Aloha From Hell中文歌词

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Walk Away -Aloha From Hell中文歌词
Walk Away -Aloha From Hell中文歌词

Walk Away -Aloha From Hell中文歌词
德国摇滚乐队Aloha From Hell单曲
  Aloha From Hell,来自德国的高校乐团,已解散
  walk away
  I can't undo what I have done 我抹不去做过的事
  I can't unsay what I have said 我收不回说过的话
  Can't take it back.It's alittle late ……now 覆水难收 现在已经有点太迟了
  I didn't mean to hurt you baby……in any way 对你的各种伤害 非我本意
  All I wanna walk away 我唯一想做的只是离开
  Cause I don't wanna lie to you 因为我不想对你说谎
  Something in you eyes says,"Please,don't go!" 你的眼神恳求我别走
  But I just wanna walk away 但我一心想离开
  Cause if I stay I'm gonna end up hurting you
  因为我若继续和你在一起 终会伤害你
  And I don't wanna break your heart,baby 我不想你伤心,宝贝
  It doesn't matter what I'll say 我要说什么不重要
  It doesn't matter what I'll do 我要做什么无所谓
  Can't make it right,even though I want to 就算我想,也无力挽回
  I'm not gonna say that we're okay 我不会说我们没有问题
  I don't wanna lie 我不想说谎
  I should have told you long ago 我该早早告诉你
  What was going on?出了什么错
  I should have told you my feelings 我早该告诉你我的感觉
  We're not that strong 我们不太合适
  All I wanna walk away 我唯一想做的只是离开
  Cause I don't wanna lie to you 因为我不想对你说谎
  Something in you eyes says,"Please,don't go!" 你的眼神恳求我别走
  But I just wanna walk away 但我一心想离开
  Cause if I stay I'm gonna end up hurting you
  因为我若继续和你在一起 终会伤害你
  And I don't wanna break your heart,baby 我不想你伤心,宝贝
  I lived through life,it wasn't fair 我的生活很不如意
  I'll say goodbye beacuse I ……beacuse I care 我要说再见 因为我在乎
  I wish I knew what I'm suppose to do 我希望明晰自己想做的事
  I wish I could be there for you to ease the pain 真希望能在此为你抚平伤痛
  All I wanna walk away 我唯一想做的只是离开
  Cause I don't wanna lie to you 因为我不想对你说谎
  Something in you eyes says,"Please,don't go!" 你的眼神恳求我别走
  But I just wanna walk away 但我一心想离开
  Cause if I stay I'm gonna end up hurting you
  因为我若继续和你在一起 终会伤害你
  And I don't wanna break your heart,baby 我不想你伤心,宝贝
  I don't wanna break your heart 不想你心碎