根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去式时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out withfriends 7:00 watch TV 50个单词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:26:03

根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去式时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out withfriends 7:00 watch TV 50个单词
7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out withfriends 7:00 watch TV 50个单词

根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去式时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out withfriends 7:00 watch TV 50个单词
On last Saturday,Kate got up at 7:00 am.And she played football at 10:00am.She had lunch at 11:30 am.She did her homework at 2.00pm.And she went to the cinema at 4.00pm.At 6.00pm,she ate out her friends ,she had a good time.She watched TV at 7.00 pm .Kate had a great time on last Saturday.

根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去式时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out withfriends 7:00 watch TV 50个单词 1.写所给动词的过去式 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空 根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music 英语,用所给的动词的适当时态填空 用所给动词和副词短语造句. 1.写出所给动词的过去式 1.写出所给动词的过去式 根据所给的动词正确时态填空拍的不好,将就将就 根据所给的动词正确时态填空.拍的不是狠好,将就将就 关于短语时态问题比如 brought up ,brought 是过去式,.1、这个短语可以用在现在时态的句子中吗?2、用在句中还是和原来保持不变 用brought吧?有没有一个短语,其中的动词是固定的过去式。如果 请写出所给动词的过去式和过去分词动词 过去式 过去分词be cookknowswimgetteachleave feelsmell driverunthinkkeepbuybegindocostfindthrowstandspeakcomegivehearsendhurtseestealtakesleepsitmeet bringflywakechooselosereadrisewear 雅思作文时态和段落转折问题1.小作文如果是图标题,要描述从1950到2050的数据,时态怎么用?是根据题目给的时态写呢,还是根据时间段?比如现在是2010年,1950-2000用过去式,2000-2010用现在式,2010-2050 写英语作文《last week》根据所给的短语及提示,写一小段话.1、文题:Last week 2、我和Mary到农场去参观.3、我们做了很多农活:栽树、浇水、拔胡萝卜等等.用过去时态:参考词汇:planted and wate long的动词时态long for sth这个短语的意思是渴望,在其中long做动词用.但是不知道long作为动词的时候的时态?过去式过去分词?是什么? 一般过去式和一般将来时态的语法.还有还有,情态动词怎么用?后面跟动词要原型吗? 过去式,would 后面的动词是什么时态? 动词不定式有没有过去式?假如这句话的谓语动词是过去式,动词不定式用什么时态?