China is belonging to the third world at present.单句改错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:27:26

China is belonging to the third world at present.单句改错
China is belonging to the third world at present.单句改错

China is belonging to the third world at present.单句改错


belonging to的用法 选择题~~china is still a country______the Third WorldA belongs toB belongsC belonged toD belonging to china is a developing country ,___to the third world but now it is getting stringer and strongerA belonged b to belong c belonging d is belonging翻译 China is a developing country (belnging)to the third world.为什么用“belonging”? China is acountry belonging to the Third World为什么不用belongs China is belonging to the third world at present.单句改错 (What) is known to us all is that China is a developing country (belonging to) the Third World.A:As;belong toB:It;belongs toC:What;belonging toD:That;belonging to为什么选C? China is a developing country,to the third world.A.belong belonging请解释 china is a____country_____to the third world.A.developed;belongs B.developing;belonging ...china is a____country_____to the third world.A.developed;belongsB.developing;belongingC.developing;belongsD.developed;belonged 问一个现在分词的超简单的问题~China is a developing country belonging to the third world.developing我知道是现在分词作定语,那belonging为什么不是belongs?还有这句如改成定语从句要如何改? As is known to us,China is a country belonging to the Third World.句中belong是ing,前面为什么没Be动 the motorbike____Jhon can't work properlyA belonged to B belonging toC belongs to D which is belonged to China is a country belonging to the Third Worldbelong 不是没有现在进行时吗?怎么又ing了 现在进行时和一般进行时有什么区别? 第一题:Dalian is __the most beautiful cities of China.A:belonged to B:belonging toC:among D:considered as(理由详细点,)第二题:They can't have thought that I was at home then,___?A:did they B:have they C:do they D:was I(句意及理由 1.The model plane ___my sisterA.isn't belonging to B.doesn't belongto not belonged to D.isn't belonged by 如何把含有belong to 的句子改写为定语从句 如:China is a country brlonging to the third world.China is a country belonging to the third world. 填空,麻烦帮解释一下 China is a country_______(belong) to the third world.China is a country belonging to the third world.我看书上说belong没有进行时,也没有被动,但这却用belonging.为什么呢 是作状语还是定语? Do you know who the car parking over there_?A belonging toB is belonging toC belongs toD is belonged to The motorbike ___ John can't work properly.A:belnged to B:belonging to C:belongs to D:which is.The motorbike ___ John can't work properly.A:belnged to B:belonging to C:belongs to D:which is belonged to 选什么