
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 13:29:27


A farmer who lives in a small village has a bad pain in the chest.This never seems to get any better.The farmer decides that he will go to see a doctor in the nearest town.But as he is a miserly person,he thinks he will find out what he will have to pay the doctor.He is told that a sick person has to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second visit.The farmer thinks about this for a long time,and then he decides to go to the doctor in the town.
As he comes into the doctor's room,he says ,"Good morning,doctor.Here I am again." The doctor is a little surprised.He asks him a few questions,checks his chest and then takes the pound which the farmer insists on him.Then the doctor says with a smile,"well,sir,there's nothing new.Please go on taking the same medicine I give you the first time you come to see me."

九色鹿(Nine Colored Deer)

Bennet Cerf ralates this touching story about a bus that was bumping along a back road:
In one seat a wispy old man sat holding a buch of fresh flowers. Aross the aisle was a young girl whose eye...


Bennet Cerf ralates this touching story about a bus that was bumping along a back road:
In one seat a wispy old man sat holding a buch of fresh flowers. Aross the aisle was a young girl whose eyes came back again and again to the man's flowers. the time came for the old man to get off.inpulsively he thrust the flowers into the girl's lap." i can see you love the flowers," he explained,"and i think my wife would like for youto have them,"i'll tell her i gave them to you. the girl accepted the flowers, then watched the old man get off the bus and walk through the gate of a small cemetery.


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